Holloween, Star Wars and just some weird crap

Date: 1/8/2018

By lmlib

Me and my friends went trick r treatingin this weird neighborhood that was near my moms neighborhood. First we went to the store where there were celebrities just walking around. We then went out because my dad was in there. We went to a house across the street Amy’s feet hurt because she was wearing friggin heals. I was on some sort of show or audition or something and in order to be on you had to basically suck the hosts dick. There were these different things you had to put in your mouth idk why. He was fairly attractive tho. I was doing this in spite towards my dad. I had this special power. There was a smart little boy who also had power. (If you’ve ever read the book wrinkle in time the smart little boy from that book was in my dream) We could move things with our mind and create colors and shit. We had a battle type thing to draw people in and entertain them. I was in a Star Wars ship with another Jedi and someone else. General hux and another person were coming towards our ship. We prepared ourselves at the door with our lightsabers. we tried to cut down the door in order to give them an element of surprise. The lightsaber just went through the door because general hux had already evaporated the door somehow. He took over the ship because we were surprised.