Date: 1/24/2025
By Lottie
We were walking home to TTs apartment and there was a big set of stairs that went between two streets that we could cut through. As soon as we step onto the stairs, we hear meowing, so Kristen obviously stops, and I look over the bannister of the stairs and see someone outside with his animals, the cat is losing her mind, I just say “it looks like it’s with its owner” and go to move away, and then this persons horse gets spooked and it starts pulling on its bridle (it was tied up) and kicking and whinnying. I said nothing and went to run. Before any of us could move or say anything, the house blew up. I got knocked to the ground, by the rush of hot air and the ground shaking like an earthquake. I felt the vibrations in my arms, hands, and teeth, like they were shaking my skeleton. I felt the hot air rush up my back and was scared it’d burned me. I went to call 9-1-1, also to tell them that there were three people standing by the house that needed attention, since we were right next to the explosion. I couldn’t understand the 9-1-1 operator at all. He was saying street names, probably confirming that he knew about the explosion already but I couldn’t get us help because I couldn’t understand it. TT and Kristen both are like “we’re not even hurt let’s just go home” and I follow, and then TT leads us into the wrong home, where a couple was sleeping. I realize then that we’re not okay, we’re all disoriented and none of us make any sense, and TT took us to the wrong home. I leave the home and go towards the house where the explosion happened, yelling for paramedics to come help us, unsure if they’d even arrived yet, just knowing we need help, but I’m stopped by Kristen and TT. I run back into that wrong house looking for a phone or something, and it turns out the woman of the sleeping couple is awake now, and she’s a regular at Hobby. I watch her tell her husband she recognizes me, and then he asks about her job, perhaps misunderstanding and believing I work for her. So she tells him about her job. I leave the house once again and that’s really all I remember.