Brought a Sniper Rifle Into a grocery store to target shoot GONE WRONG, COPS CALLED

Date: 4/11/2019

By BeastFromTheEast

So in real life I have this pellet gun that looks like a real sniper rifle with a scope and everything, given my grandfather it's used for hunting squirrels but I don t hunt. Anyway In the dream I brought this gun into like a grocery store/Walmart type place and just casually walked in. Nobody was scared and u obviously wasnt planning hurting anyone. Then i started shooting these things on the wall to test the accuracy. Lol so just casually shooting a sniper in a store, nobody even gave a shot. Then I realized I would be kicked out so I left the store and went back to my car in the parking lot. I left being amazed that I didn't get in trouble for it.... I was wrong. As soon as I got in my car a cop pulled up to talk to me, I rolled down my window, he was a black cop in what looked like a California is highway patrol outfit. (I live in canada btw) He asked me if I have a weapon and I told him "ITS FAKE, ITS FAKE, ITS NOT A REAL GUN, ITS A PELLET GUN, TAKE A LOOK YOURSELF!!" So i gave me the sniper and he told me to come park over beside him to talk, and i told him i had to park my car somewhere else and he thought i was trying to flee the scene but i reassured i wasnt, When i was driving my car my parking brakes and brakes in general didn't work. Even though my car was in park i started rolling into the car in front of me and panicked, Finnally i got it working and went and approached the cop. After I was comming over I saw a black woman getting into the passenger seat of his cop car, he told me it was his mom lol. Cant remember what happened after that