Obsession and More Daddy Issues

Date: 10/15/2017

By icarus

it started out as me trying to escape a clan if people who wanted to kill me. i began as lying in the sand pretending that I was dead as I thought back to when I lived a normal life. after the clan members left, a little girl walked up to me and told me that she knew that I wasn't dead, but I continued to play dead. eventually,the girl was shot by the man who would later become my kidnapper. after the little girl was shot, I jumped up and ran away into a forest. the person. who shot the little girl started following me and yelling after me. at one point, I tripped over a tree root and as I tried to get up, the man had his foot on my back so I couldn't stand. I cried a little, thinking he was going to kill me. he took his boot off my back and yanked me up, my toes barely touching the ground.i refused to look into his eyes. "you know she was a spy for the clan right? if you moved she would've ran to tell the others to actually kill you." the man was rather handsome (think Dean Winchester) and he was super cocky as he went on about how I basically owed him my life and how I should be grateful. I finally looked at him and told him," listen,I am grateful but could you please let me go? I have to get out of here..." the way he was looking at me sent chills down my spine. like the way a butcher examined a slab of meat. he chuckled and shook his head, putting me down but pointing the fun at me, I remembered he murdered a little girl with that gun and the thought that he was going to kill me kept rushing through my head. he jerked the gun up and looked ahead towards the exit of the forest," Move." I walked as he pointed the gun to my head. as we walked he began to get distracted by something so I took it s my chance to run (there is a lot of running in this...) when he noticed I was gone, he chased after me, easily catching up and pinning me down. I wiggled under him trying to get him off. "please! leave me alone! getting off of me! please just let me go, I need to get out of here!" I kept yelling at him, not caring if the clan that wanted to murder me heard. he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it back with a wolfish grin and each word he said, he yanked back my hair. "I'm. trying. to. help. you. baby." at that point, I was crying because it hurt. I tried to nod but it hurt so I mouthed 'okay'. he let go and my head hit the dirt. he picked my up and carried me over his shoulder to his car. he threw me in and buckled me in. then he went around and got into the driver's seat and took off. I leaned against the seat and looked out the window. I was obviously grumpy and didn't want to be with this stranger who hadn't even told me his name. about thirty minutes into the car ride, he finally spoke," since we are going to be spending a lot of time together, we minaswell get introduced." he was silent, waiting for me to speak but I didn't. he scoffed," fine I'll go first. you will call me daddy." I scoffed back, laughing, and said," uh, I don't think so." i rolled my eyes, looking back out the window with a faint smile, mocking the audacity of this man. I heard him cock his gun and my blood went cold. "that wasnt a choice." there was silence once more and i nodded my head. the driving went on until we reached a town. i took this as my chance to escape again. I unlocked the car door and jumped out (tuck and roll, kids) and started running towards the nearest gas station to call the police, but the man followed me in his car to the gas station, again, easily outrunning me. as I ran into the gas station, he quickly pulled up to the door and hopped out, his gun tucked in his pants. as he calmly walked in. I wasn't able to get to the phone but the cashier seemed to understand what was going on and looked at me, she looked sad. the man came up to me and grabbed my upper arm, pulling it up and hissing into my ear. "it doesn't matter where you run, I will find you." he let go of my arm and grabbed my wrist," come on, baby girl. let's get you something." he dragged me around the store, asking if I wanted this or that. I asked for a Gatorade and he said okay. he let go of my wrist and let me grab one from the the coolers that lined the wall filled with different beverages. I reached up, trying to get the one that I wanted but it was too high, I heard a chuckle come from behind me and felt the mans body press against mine as he grabbed the Gatorade I wanted. "let's go." he went to the cash register to pay for it along with a pack of beer. I took this as a chance to run again and quietly made my way out the door. since I didn't have much time, I didn't travel far and ended up hiding behind a dumpster. the man screamed for me, obviously getting very angry that I ran again even after his warning. this time he was in a motorcycle and found me, I tried to run but I grabbed the collar of my shirt and told me to get on. I followed his orders cautiously. I got on the motorcycle but was careful not to let my legs touch the metal because I was wearing shorts and if I did, my legs would burn. the man hooked his foot around my right leg and pressed it to the metal of the motorcycle. I started to panic because the metal was already warm and I knew it would get hotter. I kept begging him to let me go and how he was going to hurt me. "as much I love your begging, baby girl. I need you to shut up and take your punishment like a good girl," he said, and started driving. I whimpered, and started screaming and crying as the metal burned my leg, gripping onto the man's shirt, hitting his back and cursing at him. eventually, my leg went numb and I couldn't feel it anymore. I was left a sobbing mess. we made it to what seemed like a school. he put his arm under mine and helped me through to the sitting area, he got to his knees and looked up to me, he looked sincere. he held his hand to my face and wiped away my tears. "look, I'm sorry, baby. but I had to, it would have been the only way to get you to listen to me. will you be a good girl and listen to daddy from now on?" he touch was gentle and for a moment I loved him. I nodded my head and chocked out a yes. he smiled and kissed my forehead, and I smiled back, his hand lingered on my shoulder then he left. I sat in the chair and waited for him. someone came out to and bandaged my leg, then left. I waited for what seemed like hours and saw people my age walking into the building while wearing dresses and suits as they chatted excitedly. I saw some of my friends and stood up, a shot of pain shot through my leg but I limped over to them, happy to see familiar faces, snapping out of the trance the man left me in.they asked me about where I have been and what happened to my leg. I brushed it off with a vague truth covered in lies. the told me that they had an extra dress in their car and I could use it for the dance, I smiled and nodded excitedly. I got dressed, joined them and they helped with my makeup. we went to the area where the dance was taking place. while I was taking with my friends, I saw the man and my face lost all of it's colour. I told them I had to go and ran in the opposite direction of the man and hid in the bathroom, a couple of girls came in and told me they knew what was happening and helped me through a maze to escape the building. as I was making my way out through a tunnel, I heard the echo of gun shots and I knew it was the man trying to find me again. I went as fast as I could and made it outside. I saw other people with guns but before I could run, they saw me and called after me. they knew the trouble I was in and they were also going to help me out. one if the guys said," we know how Mikey acts, you'll be safe with us." just as he said that, he got shot and turned in the direction of the bullet and saw the man. he was pissed and out for blood. I started to run but blacked out. when I woke up, I was in the car again, still in a dress but it was a wedding dress, the only thing that was different was that there was another man in he car, sitting between me and the man. I was too afraid to ask who he was or what he was going here. as we kept driving, I noticed that we were driving to were I lived. we drove down the roads in my subdivision. to help divert the trauma, I started to age regress to a 5 year old. we passed a garage sale and I asked if we were going to stop by, the man asked why and I said I wanted to get a stuffed toy. he chuckled and said that I could get a stuffie later. then we came to the end of a road and I got excited because I though the thing at the end of the road was a piano, but it was just a couch. the man noticed the change in mood and asked what was wrong, I told him that I wanted to learn to play piano. we were driving towards my house and we passed by a wedding. the man stopped and told me and they other guy to stay put. I waited patiently for him to get back and I noticed the entire time we had been driving, the other guy had his hand on my thigh, gripping it tightly. his hand on my thigh snapped me out of my age regression and I jumped out of the car and ran towards my house, then I realized that if he came to my subdivision, he must know where I lived. so I ran to my neighbors house. as I did, I had a flash of what he thought our life would be like, we would have a lot of kids and I would basically always be pregnant. he would have a very good paying job and we would be happy. that was not what I wanted. I heard a lot of gun shots being fired as the man yelled for me, screaming my name. I quickly pounded my neighbors door and they let me in, I asked if they had a place to hide me and they did. as they hid me, there was a calm knock on the door. the husband and wife looked at each other and then me. as the wife helped adjust me and finally hide me away, the husband answered the door, the wife quick to follow. there was two loud bang followed by two loud thumps. I started crying because it was my fault all these people were dying, if I had just listened to the man, they would all be alive. i heard heavy foot steps marching all over the house, many times the foot steps were near my hiding place. then everything went quiet and I refused to move. I was then pulled my hiding spot and I fell to the floor, the man standing over me. "found you, baby girl."