Purgatory... very odd and uncanny dream

Date: 3/29/2020

By kkthedreamer

we lived in a world where at a certain age, it was normal for parents to force their children to commit suicide. in my dream, my parents wanted my sisters and I to kill ourselves by drowning ourselves in the pond behind our house. what was even more unsettling was that they were smiling and happy. i cried and screamed, obviously not wanting to do what had to be done, while my mom gritted her teeth and dragged me outside with an iron grip on my arm. “You’re 16 now, it’s time.” she said. so she and dad brought me and my 12 and 18 year old sisters to the pond. they stood there watching with a smile as we lowered into the cold water. “Just stay under there until water fills up your lungs.” my mom said. so my sisters and i dunked our heads under the water, the last image of my parents smiling and waving at us becoming blurry. i was so scared, but i forced myself to not come up for air as my lungs ached for some. for some reason, it wasn’t as unpleasant as i’d thought it would be, and i knew the moment i died. i felt my soul transition from one phase to another, and all of a sudden i was in a very strange place. my initial thought was that it was the afterworld, but i soon came to the realization that it was actually a place much like Purgatory, and we were sent here to decide whether we were going to Heaven or Hell. i remember thinking, “so heaven and hell are real...” there were many other kids my age there, and we were all assigned a room in these long white hallways. each room was white and only had two old wooden beds. i quickly befriended some of the other kids there and asked how some of them died. i don’t remember their exact responses, but we all agreed that we wanted to escape that place and somehow return back to the real world, where our lives ended too quickly. we figured out that everyone would be sent to either heaven or hell when that place reached its max capacity of 5,000 souls, and there was a ticker by this door that slowly went up as more people died. we didn’t have much time, so we did everything we could. i don’t remember exactly what we did, but i do know that we somehow made it back to Earth. i shot up from the cold pond with a gasp for air, in the same spot that i died in. my sisters weren’t there and i started sobbing and kept wondering how my parents could do this to us. i went in the house and up to their room, only to see that they had just had sex (gross!) they could care less that their children were gone. when they saw me, a living corpse, sopping wet in their doorway, they were shocked. the rest is fuzzy, but it was a very unsettling dream.