
Date: 4/17/2018

By Nuclear

I dreamt this one girl who actually wanted me IRL helped me get over my fears by setting up three some with girls I like... After one of them accepted to her proposition I texted her separately on discord and asked if it's really alright, if she was actually okay with me? Cuz last time we talked was like 5 years but we each other a lot just passing by... She then tells me "yes, I think you're alright" and sends a few pics... I wanted to ask to meet her separately before.. That it doesn't have to be a threesome... While that is being texted a friend of mine from gym, he sees me and goes in my dark room (I was on my bed) he uses his weight to pin me down and tries to take my phone to find out who I was talking to because he noticed something strange, at first he failed but then he got it, he quickly went through my dm contacts and randomly called one... It happen to be the girl who set it up (all this while I'm struggling to fight him lol, he's really massive) She answers him and he just quickly asks "yo, did he get a fuck?" and she immediately understood and answer with "heh... I don't know maybe" and ganged up"... He was actually so proud of me... He like pulled me up and hugged me and he was happy for me... (not likes he's a pimp or something but I never go out of my room nor meet new people and he somehow knew that... So he was proud) Again, not sure in what emotional shitstorm I was involved in in the dream but but... I cried when he hugged me, just because I was honestly excited someone else was caring so much about me and how I fight my straggles.. I cry and jokingly hit him a bit for doing that... Day skips, I'm in class building some robot and there was one girl near me that knew of this set up... I was having trouble proving to her that I talked with the other girl before (?), I was trying to fix some old electronic in the lab while talking to her... Wires and shit... And I remember me really almost falling asleep on the table... I lift my head up and tell her "wait I have to check this one more... I mightve been just dreaming it" (the irony) and then I check my dms and her pictures and dialog are there... I reassure myself it's not a dream and that I'm gonna go meet with her instead and put the threesome thing aside, because I just wanted her... End: And then I woke up from the nap. I knew it's just a dream but had the urge to check my discord.... :( Note: these 2 hour naps before gym seem to bring a lot of dreams.. (there is one more dream from just now but it's sooo messy and long, full of question marks so I just won't write it, but it did include running in the rain with some fictional characters and then me staying alone with a spooky mansion's lord, following him doing his errands and experiencing scary shit near him, it was all very dark and sinister)