Digital art, In a mysterious and sprawling building resembling a warehouse or a small mall, a group of friends encounter the unexpected presence of an ex-partner, prompting confusion and intrigue as an unknown man vehemently expresses his disapproval of their relationship, eventually leading to the perplexing revelation of a hex being responsible for the lingering affections, followed by a sudden shift to a trail where our protagonist stumbles upon an aggressive and wild Sphinx, grasping the concept of its role as a familiar and intriguingly deciding to imitate it in a bid to establish dominance before the enigmatic dream reaches its conclusion.


Date: 6/10/2021

By Hikertrash48

I was in this big building almost like a warehouse or small mall. I was with a few friends and I had ran into an ex. In the dream Rick and I were still together. As I hugged him we heard a guy say he’s not okay with the relationship. I had no idea who this man was, or where we came from. I wanted to ask him why, but he walked off and continued talking. The only thing I remember him repeating was he wasn’t okay with the relationship. Eventually we all sit down and I’d stayed by Rick’s side. I ended up holding him and playing with his hair at one point. The guy gestures towards us and says “see I’m not okay with this!” Eventually we finally figured out the reason I had any feelings for him is because of a hex. One of my old managers had admitted to teaching him how to do it and I ended up being one of the victims of it. It changes to me walking on a trail and finding this Sphinx that was really feral and hostile. Somehow I knew it was someone’s familiar, and for some reason I started imitating it as an intimidation factor. That’s where the dream ends.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, the setting of the big building, resembling a warehouse or small mall, represents a space where you navigate different aspects of your life. The presence of your friends and the encounter with your ex, Rick, suggest a focus on relationships and past connections. The mystery man who expresses disapproval towards your relationship with Rick represents an unknown or unresolved element from your past that is influencing your current emotions. The act of hugging Rick and his response to the disapproval indicate a desire for closeness and connection despite external pressures. Playing with his hair signifies a sense of comfort and intimacy. However, the overall theme of the dream shifts when you discover that your feelings are a result of a hex placed upon you. This reveals a subconscious belief that external forces are responsible for the emotional state in your relationships. The mention of an old manager teaching the hex suggests a connection between authority figures and the influence they have on your romantic choices. The dream then transitions to a trail, where you encounter a feral and hostile Sphinx. The Sphinx is traditionally associated with mystery, wisdom, and riddles. This symbolizes a personal challenge or obstacle that you are confronting in your life. By imitating the Sphinx and using it as an intimidation factor, you are employing an assertive and powerful approach to overcome this challenge. Overall, the dream suggests that you may feel influenced or manipulated in your relationships by external factors or past experiences. It also indicates a desire to assert yourself and confront challenges head-on. This dream encourages you to examine the influences that shape your feelings and choices, and to find empowerment in addressing and overcoming obstacles in your life.