Kidnapped by my grandparents

Date: 4/7/2019

By Tjika

I don't remember what it was, but my grandparents had something on us, the entire family. One day they took some of us, me and a few cousins, to their cabin and kept us in a room with chains on. They injected a weird yellowish drug into some of them on a regular basis, like it was some sort of experiment. I was not one of them. They took some of us out of the room from time to time to run certain errands with them. We all looked pretty messed up soon, covered in mud, blood and yellow stuff, but apparently not enough for people outside to immediately notice. One day they took us to a store. We had been with them for quite a while at this point (I guess time flies in a dream) and they felt it was safe to do so. On our way there we ran into my parents. They looked very cheerful and said hi when we walked past. Some that were with (two more cousins went along, along with my grandparents themselves) said hi back as if nothing was going on, but I knew that was only because of whatever my grandparents had on them, and they were probably worried for us too. I looked at my mom with a sad, blaming look, but didn't dare to say anything either. They walked away and we went the other way to a shopping area. We walked to a small crowded store and went inside. My grandparents took something and joined the line to pay. My cousins were with them at the back of the shop. I went to the front and pretended to look at some stuff. In truth I knew they'd never expect me to run, so this was my chance to get away. I didn't take long. As soon as I thought their line of sight was blocked I took off. I ran out of the store, accross an empty plaza and through an alley between two empty buildings. I got to a place that was not busy, but there were some people around. They looked at me very surprised when I came running down and fell as I was in such a hury, I was not looking where I was going. I tripped and landed face first into the ground, but it didn't really hurt. People came to check up on me and saw the mud and the cuffs that were still around one of my hands and one leg. Before they could really help though my grandparents had found me. They looked a bit hesitant as if worried they had been busted, but saw people were still confused and asked me kindly to come back with me to not make a scene here. I reacted very scared, mostly so people would know this was not okay, but they didn't do much. Therefore I ran again. They couldn't follow that quickly, because they had to be carefull not to look criminal in front of those people, therefore I got a good headstart. I looked for a good place to run to, a place I could find help as I knew I could not outrun them forever, I was a child in this dream and they were still quite young and fast, for grandparents anyway. I saw a trainstation and felt I was saved. A trainstation must have security, I thought. I jumped over the small gates that were placed in front of the station where you have to scan your ticket before being able to go in. I hoped jumping these things would already attract their attention. It didn't immediately, but me running like crazy through the station and tripping again, slamming into a wall, definitely did the trick. The police came to check up on me, not thinking about anything too serious at first, but soon noticing the cuffs and dirt. I couldn't talk for some reason, but my scared look said enough to them. My grandparents caught up to me and started to try and get me back from the police, saying something like 'oh no she's hurt! We're her grandparents, we'll take care of her'. But the cops didn't believe they were up to any good. My grandparents knew they didn't believe them and dropped the act. That's when they were arrested and I was finally free. This is where the dream ended, but I'd like to believe we were able to save everyone else too in the end.