Who's this mystery man?

Date: 9/26/2016

By sarahsleeps

I was back in High school. Most of my senior class and myself were sitting in one big classroom just relaxing and talking. Waiting for the teacher I suppose. I didn't know what started it but I heard the noise. A bunch of desks and chairs being pushed aside in a rush. Some guys stood behind one other guy, they were angry. I didn't recognize the guy who's everyone's attention was on but I did feel like I knew him. A girl sitting next to me, we will call her D, got up and walked over to this new kid. She stood above him staring him down for a minute. Her hand raised and came down, slapping him hard across the face. Hurt in her eyes she was holding back tears. I still didn't know what caused all of this. The new kid balled up his fists, his jaw clenched. Something was going to happen. Before I knew it I was up and in the middle of the two. "Guys, just give me a minute with him." I was telling D but it was mostly to the several guys behind the new guy that was just waiting to fight. I looked down at the new guy and motioned for him to follow me out the classroom. He didn't look at me. Him and D were in an intense stare down but he got up. We left the classroom but that wasn't enough privacy. Looking out at the doors that lead outside. I could see it snowing and I only had a sweatshirt on but I figured we would only be out for a minute. As I opened the door and motioned for him to go out first he looked at me as if I were crazy. "I'm not being tricked into getting locked out in a storm" he took a step back. I wanted to roll my eyes. I wasn't capable of being so mean. "Just trust me I'm trying to help." I replied to him. He looked me over for what seems to have been the first time. Making up his mind that I was okay he took a step into the cold. I followed right after his grabbing the trash can outside the door to block it from closing and locking us out. "I don't think we have met since you've gotten here. I'm Sarah" I extended my hand. He didn't reach for it so I quickly placed it back folded across my chest. "I know who you are" he said simply. I didn't know what that meant but I just ignored it. "Look. It's no excuse and I'm not trying to say what just happened in there was right, but you have to understand the people in there. We are like family. Only closer because we chose to love each other so much. When someone new comes in and disturbs that it's hard to not get so heated." I still wasn't sure what happened or who he was but I could just tell this is what needs to be said. "Are you trying to get me to be okay with the way they ganged up on me like that and how that girl slapped me?!" He was getting angry. "No. of course not." I worked up my best calming tone. "I'm just trying to explain. It really won't be like this. In a couple months I know you'll be one of us. One of them. You'll want to protect them and they'd always have your back. It's how we work" "I highly doubt I'll ever get along with those people. They hate me. " "I'm really asking you to trust me here. I know what I'm talking about." Did I though? "How do you know that?" He replied through gritted teeth. I wasn't sure if it was from the cold this time. "A couple years ago I was in your position. My very first day here I went home balling my eyes out. I didn't do anything to them. They been together since they were little kids. They're a pack. They'll stay together for life probably. I have a really good feeling about you. If I like you. They'll like you. And until they come around you have me. I'll have your back. They won't mess with you if I'm around." He wasn't looking at me while I spoke this. When I was finished he looked up and looked me in the eye for awhile. I didn't know what else to say if this didn't work. I couldn't risk him going back inside if he was still worked out. I wasn't worried for just my friends. I was worried of what might happen to him. "Ethan" he said. I looked confused I guess cause he continued. "My name. And I trust you." I smiled back at him and threw the door open into the warmth again. We stood in between the doors to the storm and towards the hall trying to stomp out all the snow. Ethan stepped toward me and started to dust the collection of snow that was in my hair. I could feel myself shiver. "Still cold?" He questioned. He took his hands and started to slide them up and down my arms trying to create friction for heat. I stepped toward him. He was warm beside the fact of standing in a snow storm for so long. A second later he embraced me. I didn't protest. I couldn't tell how long we stood there but with each second the hug became tighter and more welcoming. I broke the seal first. I looked right into his eyes not knowing this feeling that washed over me. He was taller so I had to stand on my tip toes but I still reached up and kissed him. He was shocked at first just watching me as I pulled away. I felt so stupid. Why would I do that. I was about to turn away so embarrassed until he grabbed my arm and swung me back into a kiss. A deeper one. I didn't want it to stop. The bell rang then tearing us apart. We needed to get back to the class now. A big smile was on his face. I felt uneasy. "Listen..." I started not sure what I'm about to say will come off as. "I said I would have your back with them. But they really can't know about this kiss or if anything happens again. It just won't work. They'll end up hating you instead. The boys especially. I'm like a little sister to most of them" I didn't know if my explanation was making any sense. "It's okay. It won't happen again. Sorry.." he trailed out. "No!" I said suddenly surprising him. "I mean...they just can't know about it. But I'm pretty good at keeping a secret if you are" I smile and he smiled back bigger shaking his head yes. I opened the class door first and motioned for him to wait there. Stepping in everyone's eyes were on me. "Please guys. He's cool I promise. Just let me deal with him if anything happens. Okay?" They all looked at me and then each other. The agreed in silence. I opened the door and Ethan peaked his head in. Everyone went about their business almost ignoring him. He looked relieved. The dream jumps a little. I'm in a house I don't recognize cuddled up by a fire with Ethan. He looks down at me and kisses me again. I wake up after that.