Date: 1/13/2019
By hibris
I hardly remember this dream at all, all I remember is bits and pieces but from what I do remember I was working with this group of people to stop these drug dealers who had their own factory and everything, during this process they swooped me in their van and I was like fuck it and I knew if I asked them to leave they would kill me so I just was like can I stay and they said yes...I guess they didn’t know I was working against them but at some point when they where taking me to their factory I realized what I had gotten myself into and I was like Can I leave now, and they pointed a gun at my head and I was like 😳 don’t worry y’all I was just playin...but they brought me into they’re factory or whatever and at the entrance it looked like an abandoned store but there was this door that led into like a a school GYM and there was KIDS literally playing basketball and shit and they had these mats for us to sleep on the floor like wow ok thanks i think I was there for a few days before I realized someone was working against us and at this point i kind of accepted that i was now a drug dealer but we had like money blocking the gym door entrance and i became trusted by the main guy so I was instructed to sleep right next to it but someone was messing around with it at night and 2 people managed to get out of the gym into the store area I have no idea what they were planning but they got killed , there was 3 of them ik because their names where in pink above there head and I was in the POV of the shooter and after they died the dream ended :( I know there was more too it but I completely forgot