
Date: 12/21/2018

By Hunt1deer

Dreamt of a world taken over by vampires of some kind. The dream never suggested the were vampires, but that’s what I’ll call them because they were people with fangs who attacked everyone. I was in a family home with an uncle and some others. I don’t think it was my family but a made up one. We were hanging out and there was a small girl I remember playing with, maybe a younger cousin. I remember playing on the computer and a few other things when at some point we were attacked. Everyone had disappeared and I was chased to the bathroom. I remember fighting these things and escaping through a window or something. They were women with fangs. I woke up for a bit and returned to sleep at around 6am and fell into another dream. This one was similar but seemed like the aftermath of these things attacking. Like a post apocalyptic world, but it wasn’t all messed up. It was more like everyone became these things and only a few remained human. It was very difficult to distinguish who was human and who wasn’t unless you were attacked. I got to a garage where some people were working and they were very friendly with me. It was a man and woman who also had a pet chimp with them. I played with the chimp and they gave me a handgun to defend myself with. It was a strange improvised gun, covered in car grease. The dream cut to a final scene that had me in a large, wooden resort building. I was on some kind of school trip or something and was roaming around the building at my own leisure. Some of the rooms felt haunted while others didn’t. I explored the bathrooms, kitchens, every square inch of the building. It felt like a labyrinth, with several stories and so many ways to get lost. Everyone who was with me seemed to disappear and I found myself exploring alone, but I didn’t seem bothered by it. The end, and the sexual bit of the dream had me lying down with a crowd of people. It quickly turned strange as everyone was touching each other. There were two girls who were laying on top of my legs, who started rubbing my body and reaching into my pants. They had the same fangs as the others before but I couldn’t move. I lied there enjoying it until I woke up.