Guatemalan pennywise scare

Date: 9/11/2019

By lucid Bushugi

Okay, so the long dream starts off with me , my cousin and a few friends. We were partying in Mexico in this restaurant. Outside of the restaurant was this tribal like cemetery gate with wooden fences and stakes outside of it. I was mesmerized by the look of it and so I tried to enter, but I was stopped. Being told it was a sacred ground and that I was prohibited to enter, I turned away and went back to the restaurant. However, before I entered, I went to some storage unit to drop LSD. When I came back to restaurant where my cousin and friends were chilling, I began to feel it kick in. Although LSD is a psychedelic, my body felt sedated and relaxed. I was enjoying it. This dream was very, how can I say, skippy? It skipped to me being in my house and then I was back in Mexico. You know, regular disorientated dream plot. Anyways, the dream “ended”, But when I went back to sleep I was back in Mexico. This time, in a car with a coworker and my friend. He was attempting to drive across this large body of water which would take us to Guatemala. I told him that it was a horrible idea because cars can’t float. I then suggested that we take this boat that was sitting near us. He rejected my proposition and sped off into the water. I was screaming in terror because I thought we were going to drown. It was like one of those Hollywood extremist comedy movies. Surprisingly we arrived at Guatemala still in the car but right when we got near the docks the car began to sink. My coworker who was driving began drowning, and guess what, he couldn’t swim! So I had to rescue him and swim with him to the docks. I grabbed him and swam with him to the docks and put him up on the metal surface. He was gasping for air so I pushed his chest and he spit up the water. The dream was very unrealistic. We noticed that it was cool and there was snow on the ground. I started to question if we were actually in Guatemala. Next thing I realize, I’m all alone. My coworker and friend have disappeared. A great sense of fear came over me as I began to navigate through the darkness of this land. I seen Mexico in the distance and the lights of the restaurant that my cousin and other friends were partying in. I walked through the forest and came across a horrific scene straight out of a silent hill like horror movie. There was a pile of rusted, blown up cars in the midst of the forest. I couldn’t tell if there were ashes or snow on the ground. That’s when I realized, I fucked up. Suddenly, pennywise came out of the trees and started chasing me. I ran as fast as I can but I knew that no one could be faster than this alien in the form of a scary ass clown. Everytime I looked behind me, pennywise was closer and closer. His face looking more and more distorted everytime I looked back. Eventually, he consumed me and that’s when I woke up in a sweat. That’s not the end though. When I went back to sleep, I entered into another dream that seemed to continue this Guatemala adventure. However, this part is a bit blurry, except one extremely vivid part. I was with two others including my dad. We entered into this deli where they had lots of foreign snacks and drinks. I was looking for something to fill my appetite. I noticed that there was a back area to the deli and when I went there I seen a bunch of jewelry and ornaments. There were also mini statues and other antiques. I seen this devil skull. I asked the guy behind the counter about it and he said it was made out of real bone. He told me that it’s about 20$. For some reason in the dream I thought 20$ was very expensive,but I still got it. I felt excited now since I owned something so cool. Not soon after did I realize it had the most creepiest face ever.