searching and searching

Date: 12/21/2016

By biscuit

I was going to a small amusement park in town with some friends and my sister, and after we got in, I got bustled up onto the stage, to perform some music. They gave me a recorder, and put me with some other musicians, even though I said I didn't play. One of my friends (Geena) got taken up, too. After a dreadfully disastrous song, my friend turned to me and asked if I could take care of her baby. She wanted me to take it to a baby storage facility, which was only a block away. The baby was still in development...I don't know how it all worked, but I put the baby (which was the size of a Chipotle burrito and just as tightly wrapped) into a sort of capsule machine. It was like a locker for a baby. I took the key back to my friend, and then the dream changed. Now I was at a slightly different version of my high school, and I was trying to find one of my other friends. As I wandered the halls and rooms and bobbed and weaved between students, I could see memories of my friend having very promiscuous sex. She's not like that in real life, so it was surprising. At some point, I remembered that I had a vagina. It was the first time that I had really considered it, and I stopped and thought about whether that meant I was a girl or not. I still had my male genitalia and secondary sex characteristics, so I guessed I could still consider myself male, just with a little extra. I didn't have much time to consider this fact, because my dream changed again after that. I was in Japan again, and I was still looking for someone. As I was looking around, I bumped into some missionaries, who I had a brief conversation with. One of them was well-studied in astronomy, and I looked up to try and find Vega, but I had no idea where it was. I saw a pachinko parlor, and considered going inside to take a quick peek at what it was like, but I didn't have the time because I still needed to find my friend, although I was searching for a different friend again.