Vivid Colors and David Bowey

Date: 11/27/2018

By Moonstar

My recollection of this dream starts in a church. There is a very formal, Roman Catholic mass taking place. I can see a group of people seating toward the front, one of them is a woman with long, curly white hair wearing a beautiful emerald as a hair clip on top of her head. Although I am observing her I know she is me. Something is being dissolved during this mass. It could be a funerary mass for someone well known because the church is packed. Apparently the mass was for the “death” or dissolution of a very rich company with headquarters in a very luxurious building. The company has been bought off. You cannot even see the doors until they open. They are all recessed in the walls which are covered with quilted, silky, material. I am standing in the lobby (everything is plump colored with gold accents). Again, my consciousness is split in this dream. I am watching what goes on and at the same time i am a character. The woman waiting (me) is very elegant, wearing a dress made of flowing silk fastened on her shoulder with a luxurious gold clip. The dress is of a beautiful deco/sea foam green color (more intense than this color usually is). The shoes are matching and you can tell the hose is of the highest quality . I have short blonde hair; I am very thin and older than I am in real life. I am expecting to be fired. I am the last employee called. I don’t seem to care much. Several people pass by and they are all incredibly tall. The CEO looks like Alec Baldwin but pleasant, he has me come in and is asking me what do I want when his wife comes into the office. She is younger than me, tall with long ash blonde hair, very beautiful, just a tiny bit heavy. She is exquisitely dressed in a plump dress matching the walls of the office and is going to see a difficult costumer I used to handle for the firm. I am in a dressing room taking my clothing off since it belongs to the company and I assume I am being let go but the man tells me that he never intended to fire me, simply to tell me that from now on I will work closely with his wife. He thinks we will make a good pair and he whispers to me that she is very good but difficult but he knows I can handle her. The woman comes into the room where I was changing...even those changing rooms are full of posh details, little French chairs, beveled mirrors, golden hangers and cloth hooks. I think this is a bit fresh of her but decide to go with the flow. She likes my green dress but we decide to wear suits. Actually she selects the outfits. Hers is very light gray. Mine is charcoal and she combines it with olive green pumps with gold buckles and shimmery pale grey hose. She is very comfortable fixing my clothing and doing and undoing my zippers and likes to pose for me as she puts different pieces of under and outer ware on although she is very serious as she does this. I keep my interactions with her very serious and professional. We end up with a very moneyed look. When we get out to the front of the building, there is a gorgeous solid gold car waiting for us. It is all black lacquer inside. She is carrying a briefcase. She does not know where to sit or if she should drive but I tell her that given the circumstances part of what I do is act as her chauffeur. She seems happy about that. Apparently both her and her husband prefer that she has all female staff and I am going to be the closest person to her. We get to the client where an exquisitely dressed , very thin, tall man with a black suit is waiting for us. He looks like David Bowey. Papers are shuffled and business is taken care of quickly. We are not sitting in an office but in what would seem an actor’s dressing room. He is sitting in front of a mirror and tiny makeup table and we are sitting on two chairs next to it. After all of our papers are packed he very matter of factly takes out a beautiful black velvet box from the drawer of the dresser and pushes it toward us. I assume this is a courtesy gift but notice that my companion is taking off her skirt. When I open the box, there is a solid gold vibrator encrusted with precious stones inside of it. None of this seems to take me or the other woman by surprise. He helps me get out of my clothing...the boss’s wife is waiting on her chair already nude. She has quite a beautiful figure and seems very eager. The David Bowey character looks at me and makes a gesture with his face toward her indicating to go on. He says something like (don’t remember exact words): Your boss trusts you with her and I have always liked your quiet, unassuming ways....I asked him not to fire you. This is my little pay-off for the business I just gave him and for helping you keep your job. I ask him if I can keep the toy and he says...maybe, or maybe he will keep it so that we can play with it only when he is around to watch. He takes out a cigarette and lights it and puts his legs on the little make up table, ready for the entertainment. The boss’s wife and I go on to have a very lively erotic encounter...all the while sitting on the one chair; she is very passionate; David Bowey watches and sometimes provides useful suggestions. The song “Sound and Vision” is playing. The toy is put to good use but he does not let us keep it.