Committee Dysfunction

Date: 2/19/2023

By Swords

The Committee is so dysfunctional. They call a meeting at Basques Coffee House near the subway. The Chair and past Chair are not here. I have to sign a giant card. fill a small white space but it doesn't look like my signature. MikeM is there, taking charge, and Lou is sitting quietly on a sofa ready to pounce. Everyone goes for coffee and complains it is so horrible. They debate not coming here again and I tell them that a young, black student came in after they went for coffee and tried to do some banking, but the banker was SO rude to him! They are not surprised. I go for a drink anyway but the line is so long and the Committee is starting. So I pay at the till for a coconut donut and then slip my arm in between customers to grab one and leave. But when I take a bite, I see it is a hard, dry, rye bagel. This really is a horrible place. Why am I even here? I remember that I stepped down from this committee last year. I announce that I'm leaving and go. A new young member of the Committee is outside the room, crying because another member is bullying her. I am sad it has become so dysfunctional. Perhaps I should come back. Where is the escalator? There are children everywhere, some kind of summer camp. I grab my bag from a pile of children's knapsack. I check the contents for my laptop and a used shirt for laundry. All there. I leave through revolving doors, surprised nobody from Security checked my bag.

AI generated interpretation Dream Analysis: This dream seems to reflect feelings of frustration, disappointment, and disengagement in a group or committee setting. The dysfunctional nature of the Committee represents a lack of cohesion and effectiveness in achieving their goals. The absence of the Chair and past Chair suggests a lack of leadership or guidance within the group. The act of signing a giant card and feeling that it doesn't resemble your signature may indicate a sense of not fully expressing yourself or being recognized within the committee. The presence of MikeM taking charge and Lou sitting quietly ready to pounce could symbolize power dynamics and internal conflicts within the group. The dissatisfaction with Basques Coffee House and the complaints about the rude banker could represent a general dissatisfaction with the environment or external factors that impede progress. It may also suggest a desire for fairness and justice. Trying to grab a donut amidst a long line and ending up with a hard, dry bagel represents frustration and disappointment in the pursuit of satisfaction. This could symbolize your expectations not aligning with reality or feeling let down by something that initially seemed promising. Realizing that you had stepped down from the committee but were still present suggests a sense of confusion or questioning why you are involved in this dysfunctional group. It highlights a conflict between wanting to distance yourself and feeling an obligation to resolve the issues. The crying young member being bullied signifies emotional distress or a sense of injustice within the committee. Your sadness and consideration of coming back may reflect your empathy and desire to help resolve the dysfunction. The search for an escalator may imply a need for guidance or a way to move forward in the situation. The presence of children and a summer camp could represent a desire for a fresh start or a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm. Checking your bag and finding your laptop and a used shirt for laundry could symbolize the need to protect your personal belongings and maintain a sense of control amidst chaotic or unpredictable situations. The surprise that nobody checked your bag could suggest feeling unattended to or feeling that your concerns and needs go unnoticed. Overall, this dream suggests feelings of frustration, disengagement, and a desire for resolution within a dysfunctional group. It highlights a conflict between wanting to distance yourself and feeling a sense of responsibility to help improve the situation.