Date: 9/4/2017
By ImprovdHat
I was a part of a group of people that was wanted dead. We were in some kind of aircraft (maybe a spaceship??) that was very gray and giving a battlestar Galactica vibe, but I didn't see much of it. I start to remember things when we were all in this large and dim room with no furnishing, just steel walls and floors. Somehow I knew this was the equivalent of the movie villain leaving you for dead instead of finishing you of properly. Per tradition, I found a miraculous escape hatch that set all of us free. We climbed out and discovered we were in a Forrest by this wide but shallow river. As we walked downstream (roughly twenty yards from the ship) we started being shot at. I was at the front of the pack when this happened, at a place where two rivers (one flowing past the ship we'd left behind and the second before us) met and became one body of water that branched off to my left. My POV, however, was like a camera that was in front of the group and moved backwards as we advanced. As soon as the first shot went off, I snapped back into first person and sprinted forward to hide behind this hill with one other person. The others turned and ran back to the ship so as to take cover behind the trees nearer to the ship. The men in blue (almost confederate-looking) uniforms were standing at the bank of the combined river ten(ish) yards upstream. When I was pinned behind the hill, I took out my phone and opened a message sent by one of my best friends. "where are you?" I replied by taking a video and peeking it out from my cover, prompting the guards to fire. I sent it and went to send another one when the hulk showed up and started destroying the small army. Quickly I turned to the guy next to me "Are you SEEING THIS?!?" I demanded, excited beyond belief.