High-Stakes Plot Twist

Date: 6/30/2022

By Keraniwolf

When you think you're in a low-stakes enrmies-to-lovers gay high school romance story, only to end up having a near-death experience when you ride on the back of your enemy-to-lover guy's motorcycle -- trying to be considerate abt not touching his body firectly until you're too terrified to not grab him around his waist very hard -- when it ends up directly in the path of a runaway train that smashes apart only to stop a mere 2-5 feet away from you. You're both unharmed & he seems unbothered, but you get back to his dorm (because it's late, & you were going there to visit the nearby teacher's office together for some plot reason or other anyway) & can't sleep. You realize your mom doesn't know what happened or why you aren't sleeping at home, so you pretend you don't notice your guy noticing you slip away & take your cell phone to the office to have a quiet space to call your mom. She calls you first. You fumble picking it up, still shaking & unsteady. You hear her voice, trying not to sound too concerned or upset in case you'd be upset in turn, & suddenly all the adrenalin hits your body at once. You shake & start to cry a little & say, "Mom, holy shit" without knowing how to explain things past that at all, then you wake up to find your real heart in your waking body is running a thousand miles a minute & the adrenaline of almost being hit by a train has also manifested in you & not just your dream self. You think "holy shit" repeatedly, & log your dream to calm down in hopes you can fall back to sleep & have more peaceful dreams after. Not 100% sure why I wrote all that in 2nd person, but Until next I wander.