Date: 1/27/2017
By headFeed
im laying on my back for some reason in the dream. i see it fade to white and i try to wake up. i do wake up, partially i think? but i cant move. i can move very very very slowly. im having a difficult time opening my eyes. i turn to my side (very very slowly) and on my stomach to try to get up by pushing on the ground and lifting me up, but i have no strength. i just cant move very well and everything looks like its kind of smooth? like its all dark like irl but very smooth with muted colors. im scared so i reach to my right to feel for my ipod. i pick it up and look at it under my blanket but its too dark. i see a picture of myself in my ipod but its way too dark to really see it. i keep trying to make the brightness better but no matter how high i make it its just too dark. at this point im terrified so i actually just start kind of moaning in pain? its so real. i bite into my pillow and yell and try to call for my mom but that sounds muted too, i yell as hard as i can but its not loud enough. i try to focus on moving only my fingers cause i read that works for sleep paralysis. it didnt work so i tried toes. everything i do is just really slow kind of like im in water? like really dark. dry. water. all of this time i truely believed i woke up. it was too real. i was in my bed, probably moving just like it. when i called for my mom i heard someone walking on my carpet. as i tried moving my fingers again i thought, maybe im still dreaming.. so i move my fingers again but also try to open my eyes again. it kind of worked? i moved to make sure im actually awake and it feels super fast and jerky. but its real. i grabbed my ipod just like i wanted to in my dream and i was so relieved to see it actually work. it just felt so real because it took place in my bed... so i could make the same exact movements in my dream and feel everything very realistically within my dream.