Date: 2/12/2018
By zombiegirl
reality felt intense and altered. the dream starts with me being at my old place. chilling, sitting in the living room watching YouTube and listening to iTunes. I had an urge to visit my friend that lives next door to me. so I get up out of the chair I'm sitting in. open my front door to where I see a little girl singing ring around the rosie spinning in place. I find it weird. since I've never seen her before. so I try to move forward but she stops playing with herself and says "you're not allowed to leave your house." I told her I'm just trying to see my friend next door bc I want to hang out. but she interrupted me and said " your friend can't play go back inside." i didnt want to listen to her but i had a feeling that somthing wiuld happen if i try to move forward passed her. so i turned around and closed my front door on her. back to playing on my pc for a bit. I still really wanted to see my friend so I looked out the window on my front door to see if the little girl was gone ..she was so I went out and started to make my way down the hill to my friends.. I saw the same little girl sitting on her porch singing again I didn't know what to do bc she was at the front I tried calling out to my friend to come out..but I seemed to have gotten the little girl's attention.. she then appears at the front yard line.. 3 maybe 4 feet in front of me her voice is now deeper she said to me. "you have been here for too long, better wake up before you don't know how." then continued to finish the tune of Ring Around the Rosie.. "ashes ashes and we all fall down". I woke up at 3:35 am