Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A sea creature emerges from the depths, morphing into a beautiful goddess with powers beyond comprehension, as a lone hero stands ready to face the beast in the water.

Sea creature, Goddess, and powers

Date: 7/19/2019

By WhimsicalDreamer

I was in highschool, except it was a camp to help control your powers. I was one of the few that didn't have any developing abilities, while some could conjure flames or ice, others were controlling objects give their size with their minds. I felt left out, every couple nights someone was recognized for their newfound abilities. It was like a ceremony, and I was somewhere in the back trying to go unnoticed, when one of my friends came to stand by me. But the camp director asked us to get in alphabetical order, and I knew I was somewhere in the front, and my friend was in the back. As I moved forward I felt a hand grope my ass, like slip inside my jeans, I was extremely wary now. I tried to make myself even more scarce, as I looked around paranoid for the perpetrator. The director looked over the crowd announcing a couple names, and then finally looking at me a sort of disappointment in his eyes that I still hadn't gotten any powers. Suddenly the scenery changed, and everyone was in the water some got in large boats but a few stayed in the water swimming, when the director looked nervous and said. "It's coming, the hero closest to the beast will defeat it." I felt regret fill my body as I felt my tired limbs moving in the water desperately trying to keep me afloat. When I felt a powerful surge under me in the water, others were all looking at me, or rather something behind me. I looked up to see a long dragon like sea creature that taller than a 3 story building from what I could see, it's body seemingly stretching on forever, but hidden in the waves. I couldn't help but feel insignificant next to this magnificent beast, and compared to all these amazing warriors. I made the mistake of trying to swim away, but it seemed my body was meant to be one with the water. As a newfound vigor filled my limbs with the power they needed to push my forward, I swam faster than a shark. Unfortunately I made the mistake of looking back and seeing the beast following me, it's eyes filled with hunger. I realized I was surrounded by a wall that went around the camp too high to jump, that was laid as foundation so I couldn't go under. I started at the beast which dragon like head started morphing into something more human, and a beautiful one at that. She still had scales but her face was stunning, he hair perfect even if it was drenched, she glared at me but she didn't seem mad at me when she grabbed me in her hand. She squeezed me as if she wanted to rip the life out of me, but stopped, and I realized I had a sword at hand. I swung cutting off one of her fingers and she screamed an inhuman sound, her pupils slitted as she let me fall to the water. I swam as fast as I could and sliced at her torso, the water followed my blade elongating it until it was long and thick enough to cut through this giant siren like creature. He went her scream was so loud it momentarily made me deaf as she looked at me pain in her eyes mixed with what looked like relief. I looked to my side and there floating midair seemed to be the goddess Artemis, and she seemed impressed but irritated, "That was my hunt, but I'll let it slide since you did a wonderful job slaying it. " I looked at her and did my best to bow in the water and she picked me up, "You know fair maiden, my huntresses are down in numbers, maybe you'd like to join? You'd become immortal, but you'd have to give up men." I looked at her, and did think as I said, "What about women?" She blushed and looked at me surprised and kinda just nodded, "That's fine, I suppose. Well I'll give you time to think about it." She left and suddenly I stood in front of the camp dragon lady head, at hand. They started cheering for me and the director brought me up finally awarding me with a badge that verified I had abilities and that is used them to save my camp. The director looked down at me and whispered for only me to hear, "I'm glad you're back in one piece. Listen I apologize that was a level 10 monster, I was only expecting a level 3. But to have pulled that off by yourself and without harming the camp or the campers is amazing. Also Artemis is expecting an answer by the end of the week. " I looked down smiling, it truly was amazing.