Mythology Party

Date: 8/31/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

Well, I got another dream about some party, and seeing as my House Party dream got so popular (thank you so much), I thought I'd share my second party dream. Honestly, I don't know why I have so many dreams revolving around parties or some social gathering where there are a lot of people. I hate parties. I usually don't like being in a room with so many people. Yet here I was, in this huge place that's filled with people, feeling and probably looking as awkward as I should. The entire scene looked like something from a movie, a mythology aesthetic with everyone's attire having a modern twist. And it was quite appealing, because it didn't revolve around just one type of mythology. There was Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Japanese, Celtic, you name it. It was so diverse and unique and everyone was so beautiful, dazzling the palace their own way. And then there was me, feeling out of place, but as if that was any different than how I felt in real life. My brothers were there too, and it was so strange because they would be as awkward as me, but they seemed to fit in perfectly the second we stepped inside the large palace. They strolled down the stairs as they were introduced by a man announcing their names and what deities they were, waving and smiling and wooing most of the girls. (My youngest brother is like 11, but even I was like, "Damn boy...") I was called last, and quickly, I tiptoed my way to the first step and slowly made my way down, following the beat of how my brothers walked when they had their turn. We were impersonating deities of Ancient Visaya, being the third generation and offspring of Lihangin (the god of the wind) and Lidagat (the goddess of the sea). My older brother was Likabutan, who was the god of the world; then my younger brother was Liadlaw, the god of the sun; and finally my baby brother was Libulan, the god of the moon. They were all wearing tuxedos that corresponded to general aesthetic of their elements, and they were embellished with some type of crystal that matched their suits. (Likabutan in a dark forest green suit with brown/gold accents and a gold crown with a blue-green jewel, Liadlaw in a dark red suit with gold accents and a gold medal with a red-orange jewel, and Libulan in a dark silver suit with midnight blue/sky blue accents and a silver bracelet with a white-blue jewel.) They waited for me at the bottom, my brothers smiling and giggling and giving me a thumbs-up as I made my way down the stairs slowly. Suddenly, my view goes into third-person, panning upward to an aerial view of me walking down the dark marbled stairs. I was wearing this beautiful dress that was long and narrow, sheer from the chest down to my legs. It was a low v-neck cut, exposing most of my chest but covered my breasts comfortably, despite the designed scatter of crystallized stars from my chest down to the hem of the dress. The thin sheer material of steel blue/purple gently floated near my black heels as I walked, leaving a trail of stars and glitter behind me. My hair was also just as long and flowing, the waves bouncing on my small shoulders, with also glitter scattered throughout the black stands, creating its own galaxy. A small silver tiara with a jewel that looked like either an opal or a rainbow moonstone shining brightly on top of my head. The crowd below stared in awe as I made my way down to the colorful seas off beautiful people. I didn't understand why they were so interested in me. I was just being Lisuga, the goddess of stars. There were other star deities of other mythologies out there that were more stunning and extravagant than me. As I made my way down with my perspective back into first-person again, the music began playing again, and people went back to either dancing, eating, drinking, or conversing. My brothers walked ahead to do those things also. I stayed behind, looking around the extravagant palace from a corner. I planned on doing that until I heard a deep voice behind me. "Would you like a dance?" I didn't think of it at first, so I kept looking around. Until I heard the voice repeated the words once more. I turned around, seeing a fit man with red hair, long and kept back to match his beard. His blue eye stared at me with interest (he wore a black eye patch over one of his eyes) as he gave me a patient yet nervous smile. Bewildered, I stared at my fiance as he looked like a stylish Viking version of Snake from MGSV (specifically that one) in a suit of black and silver and dark blue, the material looking like a shiny metallic silk. He stuck out his hand to me, hovering it in the air and waiting for me to take it. Without a second thought, I did, and he pulled me into the crowd off the side, making us join the spiral chain of dancers. We spun around and stepped to the instrumental music as we laughed and got closer and closer to the middle of the room, to the end of the spiral. Now we were face to face, staring deeply into each other's eyes as we both finally noticed we were closer to each other. The music gradually got slower, making us gradually dance slower as well. We were able to be closer, to feel each other's warmth, to see each being truly happy. He said how he missed me, and I replied the same as we drifted away from the crowd towards the side out to a balcony. We stood outside in the chilling night staring at the stars. I complimented how beautiful the night was, not noticing he was staring at me when he agreed. When I looked over and did notice, I giggled and smiled, saying that I was truly happy of being able to spend this night with him. He nodded and agreed, holding onto my hands tightly and did his best to keep them warm. Our hands intertwined as we stared deeply into each other's eyes once more, leaving in closer and closer and closer... And we kissed. It was so cliche and expected, but it was so wonderful and magical and I wished it would never end. When I opened my eyes, I was back in my room, now awake.