Horror reel

Date: 8/4/2023

By LilaLockhart

The dream was a series of scenarios whereby I was anticipating horror to occur, but that there was also an expectation of unreality around the horror: this feeling that I shouldn't be scared by it, or act like I'm not scared by it. Underlying this was a feeling of the horror possibly being real*. I'm pretty sure I knew more about the -why- of it all, but don't recall what that was. The scenarios I recall: Some night time situation. It was either in a dorm bedroom type space (I feel like there were bunk beds), toilet cubical block or a camp/out doorsy space. It was creepy. My horror loving friend, Adam, was there someone. Maybe in the other bunk. He seemed to be aware of this looming horror also.** It felt like there was something searching for me/us. A situation at 'work'. It felt like work, and my manager was in my team and his manager David was also present***. But it didn't look like work, we were sitting in some open space area, possibly on single-person couches in a small (semi) circle. I asked for a wheelchair, even though I had no need for it. David helped obtain one and suddenly I wasn't sitting in my chair and the wheelchair appeared under me. I was aware I didn't need it, but for some reason felt the request was necessary. A situation at a theatrical show. The show had rave reviews. As it begins, it clearly is intended to be creepy and horror like in its theatrical style. The room was exceptionally dark. But on the stage there was a girl on stage, and was in a dress, a light shining down on her, I think she was turning/oddly spinning and singing****. She gave off ghostly/ghoul/posessed vibes, I think she was crooking her neck and had some blood on her... ... across the room, a softer light is shining on something creepy. I think it may have been a slightly blood-stained arm with bandaging on it. Then the arm-thing launches at/past me, touching me in the process. I try not to act phased (but this is when the sense of 'is this ACTUALLY a horror scenario/threat?' is strongest).