
Date: 10/9/2024

By brookethegreat

I was in a college class. I think literature. One classmate made a joke about rape and I argued with him. Got in his face, slapped him around, and asked if he thought that was funny. Thought I got a D on an essay, but turned out I got someone else's paper (went back to sleep after calling in sick) I was trying to get into my apartment/dorm in an old grey brick building but the stairs kept taking me to the wrong floor. Then I used my key card to scan in, but it told me I needed to register my car before I could continue. I was really tired and just wanted to go home. I heard that schools were canceling for the rest of the week due to the hurricane. I figured that meant work would be closed. I regretted calling in, because I could have pushed through today if I knew we were going to be closed the rest of the week.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, being in a college class could symbolize a desire for personal growth, learning, or development in your waking life. The presence of a classmate making a joke about rape and your confrontation with him may suggest feelings of anger or frustration towards situations in which boundaries are crossed or inappropriate behavior is displayed. This could reflect a need to assert yourself and stand up for what you believe is right in your waking life. The confusion regarding the essay grade and receiving someone else's paper may indicate a sense of uncertainty or insecurity about your academic or professional performance. This could reflect a fear of not meeting expectations or feeling misunderstood in your endeavors. Struggling to get into your apartment and the building's stairs leading you to the wrong floor may symbolize feelings of being lost or unable to find your way in a particular situation in your life. The key card not working until you register your car could represent obstacles or challenges that you need to overcome before moving forward. Feeling tired and just wanting to go home may suggest a desire for rest, comfort, or a sense of belonging in your waking life. The news of schools being closed due to a hurricane and your regret for calling in sick could symbolize a fear of missing out on opportunities or feeling guilty about taking a break when unexpected events occur. This may reflect a sense of responsibility or a desire to be proactive in your work or personal life. Overall, your dream may be highlighting feelings of assertiveness, uncertainty, confusion, and a need for rest or reassurance in navigating challenges or changes in your waking life. It may be beneficial to reflect on these themes and consider how they relate to your emotions, behaviors, and relationships in your daily experiences.