Jungle video game

Date: 1/7/2020

By timtimtim

I’m in a large bright hangar, there are plants dotted around and raised platforms either end. I realise that I’m in a video game, somehow I press the R2 button despite there being no controller. A rocket launcher appears in my hands. I spend most of the dream running back and forth through the plants. Suddenly, a static army tank appears across the room from me. Poking my head out from behind a rusty abandoned vehicle, probably another tank, I see the metal turret turn to aim directly at me. Bright flashes of light followed by yellow explosions first on one side of me then another. I throw a couple grenades, I fire all my weapons to seemingly no avail. Crouching behind the rusty tank, I make a snap decision and start running along the side of the hangar. I can see the turret turning and following me but I’m too quick, or so I hope at the time. I run along the wall then up on to the raised platform, before making a break for the other side of the room. I still haven’t been hit, I’m taking great leaps to safety. In my peripheral vision I see great flashes of light as the cannon goes off. I make it to the other side of the hangar. Now I’m not sure of what to do with myself. My eyes fall to a series of sliders and buttons, one is labelled ‘green’, I push the slider up quickly. All around me every plant and shrub blooms twice the size, each leaf turning a deeper shade of green. The whole arena changes, I’m excited to go back and explore.