
Date: 5/12/2019

By ramagam

me and breanna went on a roadtrip with these three people, two guys one girl and their three bulldogs. they all were french with one guy in particular being VERY french with a thick accent, longish kind tarzan toussled hair- a pretty attractive dude.we all smashed into this old rusty orange beetle and drove through the countryside until we stopped at this big cabin surrounded by woods and bike trails. not sure if thats where we planned to stay or we just wanted to check it out cause it was very nice looking, plus like three stories. for whatever reason we got the idea to play hide and seek and all spread out. there was a slightly supernatural element to it where we each had some kind of small elemental power, like i could produce small gusts of wind that could lift me up to higher places to hide and someone had a fire ability etc. at one point i was near the back of the big cabin hiding between a huge flap in a rafter and the roof. i look down (breanna was seeking) and see her looking around a pile of sticks by the surrounding trees when she turns around i see her sort of smile and start a little half run to the cabin. i figure she saw someone and was going to tag them. i descend to change my hiding place. theres bushes near the right side of the cabin so i go there where i see the french girl. as i hide with her the dogs admnd third guy eventually come along. we spend like a reeaall long time waiting there, and by that time there was some noise coming from the cabin that i couldnt quite make out. it went on for a while till i heard the very familiar sounds of my gf moaning. my gut twists in knots and a combination of anger and nauseousness runs over me. i spring to the ladder propped up against the cabin, leading to the top floor where theres an entrance inside. it gets louder then stops. i stay staring at the door with my fingers by the handle. now with a deep empty feeling i havent felt since an old acid trip wed had years prior irl. i want to open the door and i dont at the same time. i want to see but i dont. sitting on these conflicting feelings a long time before i get the balls to turn the knob and see breanna actually pretty close to the door laying on the floor, checking her phone with a smile and cum in her and on her back. i was literally stunned to silence and just stared at her and she looked up at me with just no emotion at all and started saying to me like 'you shouldve seen this coming' and 'you know with all your problems i had to find an escape somehow'. there was a lot more that was said but i cant rember them exactly, but i know that they were things she had said to me in the aftermath of one of the last times we trips. just really hurtful and deep cutting. i stared at her while she said all this just feeling hollow and tearing up until id had enough and went down the hallway to find the guy. there were two bedrooms on either side but the one theyd obviously been in was the one at the end of the hallway by evidence of clothes thrown around it. i go in with the intent of killing him but on sight i know my problem shouldnt be with him. which honestly even surprises me because irl i surely wouldve beat the absolute shit out of him. hes starting to get dressed as he sees me and has this scared look and stops. i look at him while i pick up breannas clothes around him without saying a word then leave the room. by this time im crying and as i walk out i toss the clothes at breanna and leave. woke up crying