Date: 4/9/2017
By artiiie
I was at Sacred Heart. For some reason, all my friends from middle school and the Dino Bunch's friends were there too. We were having a career day or family groups or something but we broke up into groups and we ended up in Ms. Reese's room. I was standing where the computers are and I was just observing everyone with my head down. Andrea was sitting all the way near the desk but she was facing in my direction. Frances and Melissa were talking to Jose Padilla. Linda was roaming the halls. Rebeca was talking to a boy I didn't recognize. The room was full of people I didn't recognize. I kept looking over to Andrea cuz she was talking with someone. No one in the entire room knew who be was but fir some reason he seemed familiar. She kept pointing over at me and he would look and I felt myself blushing. I tried to make myself invisible but it wasn't working, he kept looking over at me. Andrea called for me to go to them but I said no. I pulled out my ukulele to make it seem as if I were busy. Next thing I know, I look up and he's gone. I stayed in the back just in case he came back because I didn't want to take his seat next to Andrea. I thought he was walking back in but it turned out to be Mrs.Brown. She had a ukulele in hand and was going to teach us a song. Next thing I know, everyone had a ukulele and everyone was playing. We walked around in a circle playing the song. All I remember is that we were practicing a song. The next thing I remember is that we were outside the St.Aloysius hall but we were sitting at Sacred Heart tables. I was sitting there by myself just thinking about the boy. Andrea came over to me all jolly. I asked her who he was. She started making fun of me jokingly and saying I fell for his smile. We had a conversation about him and she said they knew each other from school. She didn't tell me his name or anything. Andrea went home so I was just sitting there on my own. He walked by the fountain at the church and just smiled and raised his hand in as if he were saying hi. I smiled and waved back. My dream ended in a zoom in on his beautiful smile and face. Then I woke up. **** It was Heath Ledger. 10 Things I Hate About You, Heath Ledger in a pink shirt.****