Macron riddles me and then comes the sparrow

Date: 11/23/2023

By Alex_7298

My dad comes visit my workplace and I introduce him to my coworkers. I’m proud of him! Until he starts acting weird and shows his bad manners! I sit down at a long table to have pizza with other old school friends. Fra Lonati is sitting opposite me and she’s a bitch! She wants my pizza, we swap ours, then she doesn’t want it anymore! She makes me go nuts! Then I’m in a big luxury house. I’m working there together with other people just like at the embassy. It turns out to be MB and VC’s house. The walls are all lined with fabric, olive green, kaki, blue and red… I’m called upstairs because the “big boss” wants to make a point with every manager. And someone tells me I manage the ambassador’s papers. I gather in a bedroom together with other coworkers all sitting in the round. There’s Massimo, the chef, but he’s fat, red-head and freckled and says he’s Jewish. Sara is comforting sobbing older gay guy by straddling his lap and covering him in kisses! When the big boss arrives, I see it’s Macron. He stands close to the closets where all the papers are kept and then calls me to stand and join him there, like I’m in school next to the teacher’s desk while he questions me. But it’s a fun games and everyone’s elated! He draws a small card from a colorful deck and has a young woman read the riddle out loud for me. Her voice is so soft I have to ask her again and again to make sure I got it right. That makes me nervous, but I’d rather Macron sees how detailed and determined I am to understand things fully. The riddle goes something like: a woman leaves from central station by train/subway at (hour in the morning, I forget precisely) to be operate for gut issues at the hospital at (hour), but she never makes it on time, why? First I mentally check if it’s feasible to get from point A to point B on time “in real life” (I think of Milan first, then Paris) and say that’s normally doable. No strikes, no nothing to disrupt her trip… so I say “well, she dies on her way there!”, but Macron says no… and then he hints the answer has more to do with her gut condition that causes a lot of diarrhea! Eventually I say “she dies of shame because she has it on the subway!!” And that’s the correct answer! Macron seems very glad I solved the riddle! He tells me “now go mark a point on the score board under your name!” I say I’ve never done it before and he says cheerfully “what? They’re all for you! You deserve all the points!”. After this people walk out the room as in taking a break and I stay there. The window’s open and a young sparrow approaches. It’s so small and lovely. I hold a pencil or similar utensil out for it to perch on and he flies right there and just stays while I go look for my phone to take photos of it! It clips my nails with its beak and it’s uncomfortable. I find it weird… is it sick? I snap some shots, but mainly blurry ones. Then I put it down on the table. When the others return there’s Budda, Valentona’s brother, and he slaps it so hard he kills it. I’m broken-hearted!! How can you be so mean???