Horseplay Gets You Arrested, But Incest and Pedophilia Doesn’t

Date: 6/5/2018

By savamey

(my subconscious must be on some serious drugs because wtf even is this dream) -Naomi is a shapeshifter. While hanging out in my neighborhood one day, she shapeshifts into a horse and runs to my house from around the country club. I sprint after her. When we get back to my house, the police arrest her because horses aren’t allowed to run in my neighborhood. I protest this because I too was running and it seemed like racism to have her be arrested for something I also did, because she’s black. A cameraman for a news channel comes to the scene and films me, and I flip off the camera. The cameraman tells me he’s keeping it in, and I seem like I don’t care but really I’m kind of embarrassed of my impulsive reaction to flip off the camera. -My family goes to an autism event in the country. There’s not much to do there, and I’m bored. There’s also very little food, and I’m thirsty and I want lemonade. -Naomi is released from jail, and we go to a video game store to celebrate. While there, I get a sudden urge to poop, so I rush to the bathroom. The stall in the women’s bathroom’s has a really short door, and for some reason, girls come and hang out in my stall while I poop. I try to tell them to leave, but they don’t listen. They don’t seem to like me very much. Finally, I yell at them to fuck off and they do. -After I use the bathroom, Naomi and I find out that we’re the rulers of two elemental kingdoms. Naomi is the ruler of the fire kingdom and I’m the ruler of the wind kingdom. We need to find our kingdoms, but first, we need to find the water kingdom, which has already been found. The water kingdom can be accessed from the mall the video game store is in, from a grate/window in the floor. We try and fail to get in -the dream changes. I now work at a thumbtack farm, where we harvest thumbtacks from the fields and put them into boxes. It’s a painful business. I’m a horny middle-aged woman, and I want to screw a younger man who works in a different field, shirtless. About him, I say that I want to “ride him like a wild pony”. I keep trying to masturbate as I work -After working at the thumbtack farm, I become the young protagonist of one of my stories. I’m in a car/Ferris Wheel with Albus Dumbledore and my character’s mother. Dumbledore suggests that we all have a threesome, which I/the character find disgusting because that will mean fucking my/her own mother, and plus, the character is a minor (seriously why is my subconscious like this why can’t I dream of nice normal things)