
Date: 5/18/2021

By pardonkookie

In this dream, I started off in a big house where they were doing construction on the outside of the house. I was walking on the street to get to school, but I didn’t have my schedule so I wasn’t sure what class I was supposed to go to. We end up stopping at this office that’s exposed to the outside. A line starts forming and I see once of my old high school classmates who now recently got married and she was just in her own newly wed bubble. Once I got my schedule I went to my class with Kelsey and Rana there. (Though I don’t know why Rana was there bc I’m not friends with her anymore. I sat at a table away from them, but they called me over to sit next to them. I noticed that my old high school crush was at the table besides them and I got nervous. It was like a music class so we had to sing and I refused to make eye contact with my crush who was a table away next to me. My friends in my dream would tease and and kept taking my hand to try to get me to “accidentally” touch him or something. And they would talk to him to try and fish for components of my voice. One time in class I was chocking so I shot up and ran to the bathroom to try and get the thing out of my throat. When I came back they told me that my crush didn’t react at all to my choking which made me sad. Then another day I’ll was singing but I kept laughing bc o was shy so I would pass the mic to other people. At the end of clas the teacher asked the class for feedback on everyone’s singing and my crish said that I was one of the best singers in the class which made me smile and everyone at my table including my friend, were squealing. Then I woke up