Movies, AI Humans, Dead Friends

Date: 7/23/2018

By lucid14

I was at Dennis’s house watching a movi with a bunch of friends and at the end of it some random kid walked in and did a drug deal with another kid. The basement was pretty messy but Dennis’s parents insisted that we do not clean up and leave the mess for them because it would make it easier in the long run. Later I was playing some kind of real life video game that used AI humans. It was a shooting game. Someone pulled one of the AI humans aside and started to make him question his own existence. The person asked him things similar to “are you happy?” And “don’t you ever like to play outside?” While pointing out the window at a really nice view. The AI human was really confused at these questions and eventually the game designer who was sitting right next to us firmly cut him off by saying “that’s enough Ken!” After, I was in somewhat of a transport area. It was my first time there but I was under the impression that everyone else used this every day so I wanted to look like I had done it a million times. The area was made out of shiny chrome like metal and there was a track that transported you forward. Each car would come out of the ceiling. The cars looking like round comfortable chairs and by watching other people, I realized you had to strap yourself in fast before it accelerated foward. I watched this girl do it and she made it look pretty easy. After she went, I took the next car and realized the straps worked like a rollar coaster. I was able to get the lap bar down but I forgot to buckle the strap underneath it first. I took off and was moving very quickly. I tried my best to make it look like it wasn’t too fast for me. When it arrived, max was waiting for me because we were going to climb some kind of obstacle course. There were a lot of ropes and it seemed pretty challenging. There was a huge potential to fall and probably die. At one point max had to reach his hand out and pull me up, and I warned him not to fly off the edge behind him from the momentum. Later, I was visiting either a hospital or a school. I walked up these stairs with lots of kids everywhere who seemed to be at a summer camp. I soon realized this was the music wing. There were things just kind of everywhere cluttering the hallway. We walked pat an office with all the lights off and piles of furniture and clutter and overheard a part of a conversation between a teacher and a student. We walked in the main band room and I think we were looking for whoever was in charge because there were a lot of student leaders around working on projects. One older kid was building this staircase that led to an extremely skinny wood plank. I walked up and almost fell off the stairs. I started talking to the kid and I remember being impress at how he took initiative and led the other students thinking that I would want a student like that in my own music program. Mike walks up the stairs, steps on the skinny wooden plank, takes a step backwards and just tumbles an entire story down to the floor. He landed on his right leg, and I could hear the snap. I was so angry and upset. The music director came out, and it ended up being either Dan or Jim Lutz (I don’t remember) and I yelled at him. I asked him what the fuck he was honking building something like that. No one seemed to care that he had just fallen. Many students kept working. The teacher made a sarcastic comment like, “how is no one looking at the fallen kid on the floor?” Mikes parents showed up at the door and I think they might have started crying. After, I was talking to my dad and telling him I had a bad week because I lost two of my friends around the same time. I didn’t want to talk about it that much with him but eventually he got me to say it was Craig who died and as soon as I said his name, my dad teared up. Erica was there, and so was one other adult. We had this conversation in what looked like the office at my dads house, but the old way it was setup. I woke up feeling sad for the loss of my friends.