Verbal blow up

Date: 2/21/2022

By Ladybugfidoxx

At the beginning of this dream I was out having fun at the park. I remember watching people rollerskate. I give my mom a piece of my mind in front of my dad at the dinner table. I had enough of her trying to control my every move & emotions. I came home from having fun and she said something and I was triggered. I explained how she was being manipulative. My dad froze and watched me say what I said and then continued to eat when I was done. Mom looked at him as if he should scold me or say something to me. I didn't curse at mom I felt like i spoke the truth. I was still living at home. Second nap dream: Light skinned friend named Ahmed was in this dream. I felt like this was a part 2 to first dream almost. He is my roommate and I didn't realize it cuz his room was upstairs. I thought we could workout together cuz he is a personal trainer in real life. I realize he lived with me when I was looking to change the channel on the TV back to a cartoon I was watching and he came downstairs and confirm he lived upstairs. Weird thing is the dream jumps back to living at home(childhood home)and my mom comes in my room and sits on my bed & says my emotional anger must be the cause of me losing weight. Here I am trying to loose wait and I can't she says. I am shocked she saying this to me cuz she was upset about me blowing up on her in my first dream. I said u would send me away and let doctors put me in a straight jacket huh. She said yup.