STALKER On The Loose! UNO!

Date: 1/25/2020

By CalMehJuly

A skinny pale bald short man called me. I accidentally picked it up. I tried to end it after seeing his face but couldn't. He was a stranger. Unknown phone number. I regret not going away. BUT I couldn't. He was always there. Always watching me. It didnt matter if I kept clicking end call. It did not work. He was in a dark room I could see his bones. He was white like really white and with a friend of his... I was in my bed in the dark trying to sleep. I could hear noises in the background. Breathing to be precise. I knew instantly it was him. I hid in my covers while closing my eyes. But I could see him on my phone watching me. Staring at my every move. In the end I went up...maybe... Now I was with my family and him and his friends in this tower dungeon circle room with witchcraft and potions etc. He was a crazy stalker in love with me.. now I was in the public. It was daytime at a mall and I saw him. I was with my family and I kept telling them it was him and he is dangerous. But they shrugged it off not believing me. He sucked all of our intelligence away so he could be taller and look more handsome and be smarter like very smart. I don't know what happen but we became friends and dated I think. We would walk around with each other close and it seemed like a happy kdrama scene where the couple goes shopping . I couldnt reach for the high shelves to get a sports bag for volleyball. So he got it for me. I then saw math problems and said how dumb I was because he stole our intelligence CAUSALLY in a sweet calm way. I was probably put into a trance but i always had a thing for mystery... Bonus dream: playing card games with my 2 other friends Looks like we the only ones left It was like life or death problem We keep playing until we die We reuse and reshuffle the cards to start a new game We have Uno looking cards in our hands Like a whole stack of them Its my turn We are on rocks so we have to balance or we fall I try to keep steady but fall I got the card that had an inflatable bed It was like the ground was poison and deadly Or at least thats what I thought ANOTHER DREAM: on the bus With my friends and classmates R L J J J The bus has seats that are longer wider and more comfy with the mattress that was white I sat with R and L at one point Then alone And then had DEJA VU a year ago or so I sat with HJ. Kdrama.