Future Me is Lit AF & Regretfully Hanging out with a Drunken Kevin

Date: 1/13/2019

By fluffytree

In last night's dream I found myself staying at my cousin Nicole's house and she lived in an area that was a little different than her current real life place. This house was very nice and looked too big for just one person. She wasn't around it seems and I was wandering in the basement in almost total darkness. I wasn't even sure why I was there in the first place. Also I vaguely recall her furnace having issues and me trying to see what was wrong with it even though I'm the last person who would know how to fix anything to do with that. Eventually I leave the house to find her just pulling into her driveway. She gets out and says hi to me, then starts fussing about something or another before going in. I start randomly walking down the street when I stop near a red sports car that's parked on the road. There's a person inside who gets out and greets me with high energy and enthusiasm. That's when I'm shocked to see that that person is someone who looks just like me. But he's so different than I am, so confident and happy. I find out that he is actually me but from 3 years in the future. I have no idea what happened in that span of time but clearly something major did for me to go from introverted, socially anxious shy guy to seemingly the complete opposite. Future Me won't talk much about the future or what happens and instead says he'll train me on some things and also teach me how to dance. I'm just like 'wth' cos I don't dance unless I'm completely alone and I don't think I'm very good at all lol. He turns on his car stereo and a nice beat starts playing that sounds like something by Lil' Jon. He starts rapping over it and I'm blown away by his skills cos that's something I was never ever even remotely good at. I can barely remember any verse from any song for that matter but I'm usually good at remembering the tune of almost anything I hear. Then he begins dancing and once again I'm amazed at what I will apparently be able to do in 3 years. He starts moonwalking too and teaching me how to do it. I always wanted to learn that even though it's probably not as hard as I think it is to do. He goes from doing that to stomping, crumping and a bunch of other moves I can't even begin to try to do irl. But then just as abruptly and randomly as this dream started so did it end with me waking up to my blaring alarm. Now in tonight's dream I was just out on the town hanging out with my mom's bf Kevin who seemed fine at first. We went to the movies to see some movie and during it he became progressively drunk and loud. It was embarrassing. I'm thinking like how is he drunk though? Cos I never saw him get any alcohol from anywhere. He's an alcoholic irl so of course the dream version of him has the same issues. Eventually the movie ends and I can't leave soon enough cos I don't wanna be associated with him at all. I go outside and I think my aunt and her ex-husband are supposed to pick us up but they're not showing up. I get a mental image of where they are and it seems like they're in the hospital visiting my grandmother. So I just start walking home. Kevin isn't too far behind but he'll likely lag by default since he's drunk out of his mind anyway. Suddenly an American flag appears out of nowhere and drapes around my shoulders. I decide to wear it proudly like a cape, but then I start feeling silly like wth am I doing? Lol. And I wake up shortly after that.