Date: 2/24/2019
By FrankRuden
My family and I were all staying at an old, run down hotel. At this hotel, I was climbing stairs with two Japanese people - a father and a son. They were ahead of me doing stretches and exercises on the stairs. In another part of the dream I was getting dinner at the Junction. My consciousness didn’t seem all to be there. Everything appeared “distant” in this state of awareness. As I was at one of the stations where my dinner was being served to me, the guy who was serving me my dinner appeared “blurry.” I was at “church” outside in the late afternoon, it was windy and rainy out and the rainy clouds were blocking the sun. I was on some sort of deck-like area. This area was really long, though, like a hallway. I had friends there. One friend was running down to the other side of the deck, apparently “waiting” for someone to arrive. I told him there was a door right next to you before so you didn’t have to run all the way down to the other end. “Oh, well,” I remember thinking, “at least there’s a door here.” There was also a time, toward the end of the dream, where my family and I were all by the airport sometime around 2:30 PM in a neighborhood. In this neighborhood, it was trash day. Then I saw the trash truck. At first I felt like this experience was a video I was watching but then I felt like I was in it. When it became real, I also saw the recycling truck. During this time we all opened up our book, a story of our family. The weird part was that it seemed like all these experiences were part of the book itself, even while they were happening!