Date: 10/21/2019
By natassja666
In my dream I was hanging out at the mall with my boyfriend and this hot blonde girl. We ran into this guy that I know Nicky and he joined us. It was this weird situation where my boyfriend and my friend clearly had the hots for each other, my friend and I were hitting on each other, and I was all over Nicky. We were all being extremely sexual and making each other jealous and it turned into some sort of unspoken competition. In another part of the dream I was living in a house I don’t recognize. My cousin Annika was over and we were going to play some board games. I had so many and was getting them out of this closet. When I left the room she was playing with one but when I came back it was missing. I asked her where she put it and she said she didn’t remember. I was so annoyed and frustrated and honestly confused because she had literally just had it. She wouldn’t help me look for it and that frustration was quickly transforming into anger. I ended up finding it in my bed under the blanket.