Pad rant (kinda funny)

Date: 4/28/2018

By kristay

Ok so, I had a dream where I was in class and this really fucking annoying guy kept bothering me, he’s a jock, got a full ride to a university over football. *whoo good for him smh* Anyways, we all had to get in groups and do this project for English and as I was getting my book out of my bag a pad fell out, he starts laughing and pointing and saying how disgusting it is that I have pads. So I get up and start yelling in front of the whole class “ah yes! Because a natural thing that half the population has to deal with and your mother was probably wishing for but instead got you, is ‘disgusting’ , we could just not use them and become a third world country because your lack of knowledge and your mentality puts you back to cavemen, no sense of respect or maturity.” And to end that, he had a shocked look on his face and I said “fuck you” and walked out. I started crying in the hallway leaving campus bc I was just so done, that and my two kitties were put down in he past month (they were very sick and old :( ) and someone asked me how they were doing in the dream.