Date: 3/19/2017
By Sammi9kh
Day of my sisters wedding pops up suddenly, I'm maid of honour but haven't even been told the date. They have decided to get married in the warehouse of an old shopping centre and are getting ready somewhere in the back. I am dress shopping at said centre and my sister panicking comes to get me, I'm late to get ready but she can't be seen in her dress, so just yells at me from the warehouse entrance. To get to the place were changing we must ascend a set of impossibly large stairs. When we come to the top of those we must climb another set of steps,this time made of rough logs and set at an angle that make me have to use the handrail. One side breaks off as I try to climb and the other is so short I have to climb on my knees. I finally roll off the steps onto a floor made of a giant stump shaped like my parents yard. My sister is running in a pile of sap of the stump to prove she can. No regard for her wedding dress. I wake up.