School of Sins

Date: 8/30/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

Another reoccurring dream, but it's not a good one. It's been a while since I dreamt this dream also, but I know I had it before. And there were edits in this one, to where I had to force myself to end the dream. There's a reason I call it the School of Sins. Imagine everything you shouldn't do is allowed in one specific place. It can be sex, alcohol consumption, drugs, murder. All of this was allowed, and the "teacher" did whatever it takes to make it required. That's what this school was. I remembered the classroom looking like the classroom I went to Yearbook in for my senior year. Small, very quaint, filled with kids, actually looking very homey and cozy. But the atmosphere about it was off and chilling. There were tables huddled near each other, small rectangular ones surrounding a couple of large circle ones. I made the mistake of making my way towards one of those tables. I took a seat and looked around as other kids were beginning to sit as well, preparing ourselves for some classwork. I watched one girl, short and shy named Elizabeth (who was a co-worker of mine, a newbie out of high school), got ready as she awkwardly walked around the room to get pencils and stuff. Then, I saw one of my best friends, Krystin, looking and acting like a total rebellious badass bitch as she glared around and looked like she owned the place yet didn't want to be here. Then, there was this tall skinny boy who reminded me of JD from Heathers (I'm going to refer the guy to him, I never got his name) said he felt out of place, but as if we all weren't feeling that in the first place. There was a girl that was trying to get a seat next to me on my right because JD made his way to the seat on my left, but Elizabeth already claimed the seat as she got up to find a pencil, and I had to dragged the chair away from that girl to save Elizabeth's spot. I think she was about to argue that there were no rules about saving spots until Krystin interrupted and gave her an ugly glare, scaring her away. As Elizabeth came back, Krystin got up and walked off to get something, giving her a glare as she passed by. Then, Elizabeth sat down after I pulled out her chair, saying thanks and asking if that was the actual Krystin. It kinda threw me off, because these two don't know each other at all in reality, but I told her yeah, and she looked so scared and I didn't know why. Everyone was getting settled down as the bell rung, and we all fell silent at the teacher entered the classroom. The teacher was a woman, who now I vaguely remember her face, goes around and passing us papers, informing us what the assignment was about and to where it was to be due before we leave. So we get started. The classroom soon got dark, and now there was some movie of the sorts playing on the large projector on the wall behind us. We kept working and soon there was light chatter to where the teacher pitched in. There was a point where someone was getting punished about something, and JD pulled himself into it and tried to save the other kids, to where he pulled himself into terrible and was forced to be stripped naked and to sit alone at the table. So he stripped, and Elizabeth and I were forced to sit someplace else. I didn't want to because I got a bad feeling in my stomach then, and I was right as the teacher started to beat him up. But it all happened in a flash, like my brain forced the time to fast forward to the end of it, and I saw the bruises starting to form and cuts beginning to open up and blackness and blood all over his face. Terrified, I found another seat and proceeded to do my work, ignoring what was playing in the projector and whatever conversation was going on, until I heard my name being mentioned. I looked up to see that same girl who tried to steal Elizabeth's chair earlier staring at me as the teacher was also, who looked so shocked. The teacher asked how my family was, and I said they were all okay, despite the fact that one of my grandfathers passed away. She asked which one, and I said the one on my dad's side (even though he still alive??), and she was asking how everyone else was, my parents, my brothers, my aunts and uncles. I thought it was strange she knew most of my relatives until I saw a sheet of paper with a written list of my family on it, with some names scratched out. She shook her head in dismay as she scratched out my grandfather's name out, saying how much of a shame it was. That's when I noticed another small pile on her desk, revealing more lists of names. That's when I noticed the teacher kept track of our families. I tried to keep working, and I was able to finish just in time as I rushed into the separate room, where it was a sub section for the teacher only, to staple my papers and turned it in after quickly writing my name. Then, there was that girl again, mentioning how silly it was that I vlogged things on YouTube. Bashfully, I agreed and did say it had been quite a while since I vlogged. (It wasn't far from the truth either, since it had been months since the last time...) The teacher seemed to be listening and nodded as she focused on the papers. She talked to me more than the other girl, and I could tell that the other girl was getting jealous. The girl and I made our way out back into the classroom with the other students, and not once did we make eye contact. But I did notice how frustrated she looked as she headed to the other side of the classroom. I took notice of JD as he was covering himself up with a jacket. I could see all of the cuts and bruises that he got over time, so he must have been used to it before. Then, I looked down to notice he was still naked and indeed had a dick to where he noticed and got a slight boner, making me instantly look away in embarrassment. After that, we left the classroom and got teleported into what reminded me of a day food restaurant, to where we were all in uniform and forced to work, like a community service, but it was clear that we've become slaves. It seemed time fast forwarded again to where it had been goes since we worked on our positions, like our shifts had no end. Then, a woman walked up to the front register counter, exclaiming she ordered something she never got. The teacher was wearing a similar uniform to ours, but in black, and she stood proudly near the register with a smile, looking at me and said for me to my thing. I had no idea she was referring to, but I noticed the floors needed sweeping, and so I instructed her kindly and bashfully to see the floor. And she was thrilled, swiftly going as she explained proudly of how I knew what to say and what to do. Weirded out, I turned to the female customer, who placed her receipt on the counter, pointing to something in the top. I leaned in closer to see the words of something relating to Jesus Christ and something extra about it. I don't know remember exactly, but I knew Jesus Christ was part of it. When I looked up at her, she complained how she got her order of that and how it was extra and that she wanted it that instant. I nodded, not knowing what else to do. I was going to get the teacher/manger again when I heard the woman once more. She complained louder, something about what were we waiting for and that to show more emphasis into it as we do it, as she stood there glaring at us with her arms crossed. The girl from before was near me now, strolling her way slyly to be right next to me to rest her face into my neck and shoulder. With a wide smirk, she whispered into my ear, saying how she got this, then turned around to be right behind me. She started to let her hands slowly make their way down to my waist, her small face still snuggled deeply in my neck, cushioned by my long black hair. I stared in confusion as she soon began to wrap her arms tightly around my stomach, letting them ready above my waistline. Then, she began to grip onto the sides, slowly making it tighter and painful. I glanced around briefly, terrified, seeing Krystin, Elizabeth, JD, and other kids staring as they froze in fear. Locking eyes with the girl once more, she giggled as her smirk got wider and her eyes got darker. She said something to me, a whisper, muted and never to be heard. But it all felt wrong. The atmosphere shifted the second I saw she was next to me. Everything was getting darker and hotter and more tense. I was going to die. I kept hearing her giggle. I was going to die. Her grip was getting tighter and tighter. I was going to die. She told me to relax, and soon I felt her hands gripping around my neck. Darkness. It was chilly and certain outlines and shapes were coming into view. I woke up.