Sister brother rivals

Date: 8/13/2019

By bluebird

I had a dream where me and my siblings went to this house that had this older boy and younger girl who lived there. The older brother at some point got evily. He started chasing everyone and got really mad. Me and my siblings were running along with his sister. He looked under the bed where his sister was I couldn’t tell if he couldn’t reach her or see her, but she was there. He was yelling for her and when she cane out he seemed nice her. I don’t remember how but we escaped from him and I took their laptop with me to see info. I ended up wanting to sell it instead. I don’t know what happened to the girl. This ending didn’t seem right so I went back into a point in the dream and had a new ending. I made the girl come with us but we didn’t go as far. She came and told her town about stories with her brother. Her brother turned into a giant headed and big bodied monster with many toes on each foot. He wanted to attack her for the things she said but he realized what he had become. I liked this ending better. But at some point in between I smoked a joint and smoked in to much of it. I had a lot of smoke in my mouth and part of the wrapping.