Semi-lucid Sudafed Overdose

Date: 4/12/2018

By seascarlet

I wasn't feeling well in some vague way. I went and found a bottle of random pills and started taking them. While I was taking them, I was watching a TV show in which someone was taking a lot of pills. As the person on the screen took more and more pills, so did I, chasing down a few at a time with water. Afterwards I realized I'd taken half the bottle, and that was surely too many. I looked at the bottle and it said 4 pills max. I also saw that I was taking "Sufedrine" or off-brand Sudafed, and that this was not going to help what I now knew were menstrual cramps. I was probably having these irl since I'm on my period. I don't weigh much so I figured I'd be in for a rough ride with side-effects, and wondered why I'd gotten distracted and taken so many. I decided to go to a public place to see friends and try to keep my mind off of it. I went to a campus deli near a college or pizza place or something late at night, and a few of my friends were there. I talked to them for a while, but started getting really messed up and nodding off. My cramps felt better anyway, maybe because I was so relaxed. But I also felt sort of agitated like I wouldn't just pass out and needed to do something. I wondered if they thought I was on drugs or had a drug problem. The next thing I knew, I was waking up a couple of houses down from my childhood home. I was asleep in these people's front garden sort of to the left of their porch, under a blanket of mulch with a couch pillow under my head and my feet against their house. I was still really tired but didn't want them to come out and see me there, so I got up and started walking with my pillow. I thought about how long of a walk it would be to where I live now, halfway across town, and that's when I thought I might be dreaming. I thought if it's a dream, maybe I can teleport instead of walking all that way. I asked a person, maybe a childhood friend in the neighborhood, to hold my pillow out in front of me near the ground. I tried to dive into it and come out at my destination. I tried twice and it didn't work. I had to just keep walking. At some point though I realized I could float and that made the trip easier. At my parent's current house, I fell asleep again and when I woke up I wondered if I'd dreamt the whole thing, but it seemed much too real. I didn't realize I was still dreaming and wasn't actually at my parent's house. I was at my own irl.