Date: 10/25/2016
By ksaspo
Tonight I had several dreams that I can almost remember but this one I remember most vividly. I was with my dad and Denisse and we were going to see a play that I had designed. It ended up being reminiscent of a video game, in that they collected coins and stars on stage and also bowser was a character. The three of us found our way to the third row and sat near the edge so I could reach behind a curtain. There were two weird wire sculpture things on wheels that I pulled out at times that were characters in the play. A black woman behind me was very nice and helped me at one point, even though it was very unorganized and not entertaining. The rest of the show starred Demi Lovato and this guy Jack that I know as bowser. He was wearing a blue suit with glowing stripes and a large shell. At one point he had to glide through this wall or something to collect a star. When the show was over I went to try to talk to them. Demi made all the costumes. She also at one point fell into the floor. The stage was a very large and immersive set, mostly white and light blue, sort of like a "winter" level or something. I we trying to get everyone together for food one day but we couldn't coordinate scheduling. Within the dream I wondered what would happen if I tried to get a star. I went to the back of the little cave in the wall that jack had gotten into and found that I could get my hand in. There were these things surrounding it, like tubes with buttons on the end. I pushed a few and then grabbed a cork out of the hole. It was weird, and then I got paranoid that I wold become stuck in the wall and I would not fit through the hole, and that for some strange reason the police would catch me? I'm not sure. I also remember trying to take a picture of the posters with my name as designer on it but I kept getting distracted.