Date: 3/11/2019
By maniclaughter
I'm working somewhere out in the middle of nowhere - farm land. I have to park in a parking lot and walk a great ways out down fields to get to the office (which I never see). There's a very small house across the street that sells coffee, it's a very strange vibe. There's a man in there that seems very sketchy and a few younger girls who are selling the coffee. I go there a few times, mostly interacting with the man who has the girls prepare coffee for me. I leave and go outside feeling concerned about what is happening in there. There's an older woman outside who I work with (apparently) she starts to warn me that I need to be wary, and that one of the girls who is very quiet is going to be coming for me. Then I see the girl was hiding behind this woman, she stands up and tries to stab the older woman, terrified I start running down the country roads screaming for help. Running into the fields but I don't see anymore houses. Finally I see police cars hiding behind some bushes. I run to them crying and get in beside one of them and tell them what has happened. We drive back to the house and they arrest the man. I can't remember anything beyond that point.