Date: 9/26/2018
By fartedonapopsiclestick
Okay so this might be a very weird dream but, me and my best friend from school were walking on this bridge and we started talking to each when we realized that we were tiny and that we kept seeing huge spiderwebs. At that moment some man picked us up and we started screaming, and then he dropped us. The man bent down and told us, “you’ll never last a day out here,” we then asked “why” then he said “ because, have you not seen all of the spider webs?” We thought he was crazy and kept on walking, then we started seeing spider running at us but they didn’t eat us they were running away from something!? We started running towards they thing they were running away from and we saw this tiny little tank the size of us, we grabbed it and threw it in the water. Then my dream ended😢