Date: 5/19/2016
By kylebolender
I was with a bunch of people like spencer, Tyler, and Nate. We were scuba diving under water. We were in this building that was underwater. We were picking things up from under the sand hoping they would be valuable so that we could sell them. I picked up a glass bottle but it was too heavy so it was causing me to sink. We were supposed to have church over at the volkmars house. A bunch of people met up in a persons garage who had a bunch of bikes. I saw Anthony in there. He had a hello kitty jacket on and I thought it was phoebes. I started to wonder if he slept over at phoebes house. We both took a hello kitty bike and I asked him where he was last night but he didn't answer. I rode the bike onto the volkmars driveway (which wasn't at their real house, it was cody's house from my old neighborhood). Wendy got mad and told me not to ride the bike on their driveway because it could leave a mark. My grandma started asking Wendy why and was telling her that sounded dumb. Wendy said that the concrete had bamboo in it so it was expensive. I had to do a stunt for one of my projects. I was originally gonna jump out my window onto a tiny trampoline but I decided that would be too dangerous so I was just gonna do a regular front flip on my big trampoline. A famous rapper who was really short was at my house, along with Romika, tremisha, and perry. They were all really into him. He was gonna film a stunt on the trampoline too. All he was doing though was dancing and rapping and talking about how cool he was. I was finding it kind of funny. Eventually he started singing some R&B song and all the girls joined in. I was surprised at how angelic it sounded. All their voices were harmonizing perfectly. I decided to take a snapchat video of it. When I watched the video, Perry's face was blurred out.