Date: 4/27/2019
By Mippness
I had a dream that I was Bart Simpson and I had to get groceries, but got lost in the progress. In real life, a walk to the store and back is fairly short. In the dream, however, the journey was way longer. I had gotten the stuff that I needed and was starting to head back to my house when I realized that I forgot ice cream. I decided to take a bus back to the store, but it took me to this crazy water park with a weird pool in it. I didn’t get much of it, but I was then suddenly transported to a small hotel where I checked into a room and fell asleep (yes in a dream) where I dreamt about this red cat eating a burger. A dream within a dream. It was in cartoon style where there was a thought cloud over my head and it popped once I woke up. The slumber only lasted about 15 seconds. I then woke up, opened the door and saw that water park again. It was like a regular pool, but there were intense bubbles that would pull you to the center of the pool. On the far side of the pool there was a large waterfall that dropped an extremely long drop; something like Niagara Falls, but 10 times higher. The only exit had an extremely small climb through playground similar to the ones in Chuck E Cheese and McDonals for kids to play in. The last thing I remember was waking up from Homer Simpson with a bag of vomit that exploded all over characters from Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, and The Simpsons.