my dad dies

Date: 12/6/2022

By juulianjuice

Haven’t been having many dreams lately and also haven’t been bothering to write any I do have. This morning at 8am I dreamt that my mom had a new boyfriend, he was nice and had white/blond hair. He was tall and laughed a lot and seemed like a nice dude. But soemtning had happened to my dad resulting in him passing away. Not sure what exactly, I was picturing him on the ice of a lake and something happened which resulted in his death in the following days. Some weird stuff happened in between these two moments for me that I can’t remember at this point, but when I went to visit his grave I was looking at his small tombstone that was positioned like how papas dogs are buried. I started to cry, I kept running back an imagine of my dad turning his head and smiling, he looked extraordinarily golden, and his teeth white and straight. I was crying so hard about my dad, i felt in shock that he could possibly be dead and I didn’t know how the world could keep spinning without him. he looked so beautiful as i imagined him, I felt so devastated, I cried and cried. My moms seemed happy with her boyfriend and I couldn’t imagine the fact that my mom would ever be apart from my father or be okay with his death. I woke myself up by 8:30 from the crying, and then I had to remain choked up for a few minutes before I could sleep again. So glad it was only a dream