The coma

Date: 4/26/2024

By jasminoo_

I came home and I was stoned as fuck. I was spinning out ,could barely walk then I heard my mum coming upstairs so I jumped in bed and closed my eyes. She sat down next to me asked me what was wrong and I kept my eyes shut and just said I didn’t feel well. I fell asleep hearing her voice. When I woke up I was in a mainly brown coloured room about 3x the size of my room. It was very old fashioned but huge and completely different to my room. I looked out my window and the outbuilding in my garden was gone but my window was floor to ceiling and it had a staircase leading down onto a pathway all the way to the woods at the back of my house. I checked my phone and I had many notifications and 3 days had passed. I immediately cried. The rest is a bit of a blur chronologically but here’s some things that happened. I reunited with my friends and we went to watch a rugby game at the local club. We went inside the pub and it had a huge bed inside that we all sat on. Throughout the whole dream I kept bursting into tears every 5 minutes or so, so yeah. At some point I take off my socks and my friend millie said something about my feet so I told her to fuck off and shoved her off the bed. Then my dad comes in and takes me my best friend Johnny and his dad Peter to a barnsley football game. The football arena was inside of a shopping centre and we were queuing to get in we saw my friend lola there waiting too. After that it was dark and me and my dad went to this sketchy place in my town and participated in a drug deal. The man we sold them to grabbed me and threatened my dad saying he would hurt me if he played him or something. Throughout the dream I kept checking my phone for a message from my mum but she was at work and I never saw her. When I woke up for real I cried lol.