A Terrifying world

Date: 8/18/2019

By Rachel447

I was in this technologically driven world where society was falling apart from two diseases. One is based on monkeys and it's touch based. If you have it, you'll turn into monkeys in less than a few minutes. Well, you won't turn INTO a monkey, but you'll start acting like one and lose all your human cognitive thought. Once you're fully effected your only main objective is to spread it. The second disease is Pig Cancer. It's spread via this weird pink, bubble-gum like substance that I think is what the poop of the effected look like. It also takes affect almost immediately. That one spreads if you touch the weird pink stuff. It was like a video game or a movie. I was in a labratory with two other people who I think I was traveling with the whole "game" and it was getting close to the end. The majority of the population were sick and the remaining few in the labratory were going quickly. I don't know what we were going for, but we were traveling deeper and deeper into the lab. And I was getting scared around every corner due to some sick being there or some weird giant enderman looking things/the heads of the giant endermen as enderman slimes from Minecraft. The one who was leading us said "we're here" but it was just a bunch of sick people, so we ran back in fear as the person who was leading us got touched by one of the monkey ones and she was a lost cause. As we tried to exit we opened the door and it was a mob of people with Pig Cancer and as soon as we opened the door they stuffed the pink thing in my other companion's mouth and she was done for. A random person showed up and he helped me try and keep the door shut, but sick were closing in on us on both sides. My other friend was close to turning. "We have to get this closed before she turns!" I said. There was climactic music, dramatic zooms and cuts, And then I woke up. I've noticed that I have a habit of waking up when the exciting crap really happens…