Many wakes, unsettling dreams

Date: 11/14/2020

By CelestialTears

What a night. I woke up during the night while I was dreaming bc I had to pee. Then fell back asleep only to wake up again because I thought I heard my parents argue in front of my door: my door banged my door 3 times real angry while my mum was behind him saying that he can't wake me up in the middle of the night even if I did that (not sure what but a bad thing in his eyes). That was just a dream of course. Fell back asleep but woke up again through another dream, forgot what it was now but it was that deep, loud voice saying something to me and it freaked me out, forgot what he said. Fell back asleep and then I had a crazy dream, all I remember is I was in a jeep with the boys from One Direction and Harry was driving. We were in Australia but there was always some animals on the road or the path, it was a crazy drive LMAO. But fun. There was another dream but it's too blurry to tell it now. Then last dream, me and a guy, I think we were journalists, were walking with a third person leading us in that street. The more we walked and the more the houses looked poor, then abandoned. But they all seemed to have a dog, or have had a dog in the past. Then, we walked into a property that was big. The more we walked and the more we realised it was massive. And all focused on dogs. We even walked to the end of that property, to the beach. The guide then left on his own. I went down on the beach, and behind a mount I saw a man laid down. I was curious, and suddenly I felt anxious. Then ny colleague was pressing me to come back up, so I did. We started to walk back, and then we realised what this property or organisation was actually about. It was a dark truth. But it was a trap, they caught us and took us somewhere. Many people had been killed like that. Not sure why, but surely for dark reasons too. When my dream ended the woman in charge of us hadn't killed us yet, although she was pretty insane.