Nuclear attack

Date: 12/11/2017

By DreamerDeceiver

I was in my living room talking with my parents and I could see outside through the glass window from the door and as I looked past it, I saw a mushroom cloud and I couldn’t believe my eyes and my stomach dropped, there were two. I told my dad and he said that now there was nothing we could do. I could see the impact rapidly making its way towards me. My first action was to get ready for the impact so i took a knee and thanked god for everything I was able to have. Then I decided to open the backyard door and run for it. My parents kept saying that it wasn’t going to help. I didn’t know wether I should run and leave them because they had made their minds that this was it. I ran for it, and they followed. I jumped into the huge ditch behind my house and made my away across it. I looked back and I could still see the bomb rapidly Makigg it’s way towards me. I was terrified and I could find a place that would withstand the impact. Other families from my neighborhoods came out of their houses and were panicking laying on the floor behind a cement structure that is in the ditch. I decide to keep going instead and ran as fast as I could jumping through backyards. And my parents slowly followed. I realized that it had been a While and the impact hadn’t reached me but I started thinking about everyone else I knew. I was concerned about my family in juarez, my sisters that got left in the the house, and my girlfriend. Before I knew it, me and my parents got to this military type of installment were they were helping us and sorting us out to evacuate the city. It was packed and I couldn’t think straight because I wanted to call my gf fearing for the worst, or fearing that she would lead to Mexico. I kept walking in the direction of the traffic and I pulled up my phone then a high school friend by the name of James called me and I told him I couldn’t believe my eyes when saw the mushroom clouds out of my window and that I never expected it to actually happen. There were a couple of thee familiar faces along the way of the military installment. There was a point were we got separated and I wasn’t able to stay with my parents. This was the worst feeling, the feeling of leaving everything behind, not knowing whether there was anything or anyone to go back to with. I was walking with a group of other guys,all around my age, through a small passage and made our way to a checkpoint were there was this police officer and I asked him were I was to go. He couldn’t hear me so I yelled at him and he told me to get into the vehicles to the right. (I can’t remember now what happened but right after).. I was home again because the attack hadn’t reached my house. I was then outside in my backyard and I called my gf with thoughts of the worst possible outcome. I was extremely grateful when she answered, and then I asked her how she was and I explained to her how it was it seeing the cloud from my perspective. The signal was poor so after having explained what I had gone through, i couldn’t hear anything and the line got cut off. I was scared that I couldn’t get in touch with her. I looked for a way to. There was a messaging app and some messages were coming in but they were delayed. They had been from a couple hours ago. They were all emojis, I was relieved once again as I saw that the time stamp on the messages eventually reached to “1minute ago”. I didn’t understand how the shock hadn’t reached us and I looked online for “El Paso attack” but nothing was to be found, it seemed like everything was normal but it wasn’t, we were still planning on evacuating and I was sad that we couldn’t take all of our pets with us. All day had passed and i had my gf in mind because I wasn’t able to know if she had left for Mexico or not. It was night and the only other way for communicating with her was through this multiplayer game on out iPads. ( can’t remember anything else)